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Top 50 Solidity Interview Questions and Answers

Solidity is an object-oriented programming language used to implement smart contracts on blockchain platforms like Ethereum, which generates transaction records in the system. To excel in your journey toward top companies as a Solidity developer, you need to master some important Solidity Interview Questions to crack their Solidity Online Assessment Round and Solidity Interview Round. We have prepared a list of the Top 50 Solidity Interview Questions along with their answers to ace in interviews.

In this article, we have covered all the essential questions that are likely to be asked in interviews, whether you are a beginner embarking on your journey to become a Solidity Engineer/developer or a seasoned professional seeking a job change and aiming to refresh important concepts in line with current trends. Then this Interview guide is for you.

This Solidity Interview Questions article is designed for all skill levels, from beginners and intermediates to advanced candidates, encompassing a wide range of interview questions.

Solidity Interview Questions for Freshers

Explore the list of interview questions with answers for Solidity. Here you will find all the beginner-level questions that you will face during the interview.

1. What is Solidity?

Solidity is an object-oriented programming language developed by Christian Reitwiessner, Alex Beregszaszi, and several former Ethereum core contributors for implementing smart contracts on various blockchain platforms like Ethereum. It is used to implement smart contracts that implement business logic and generates a chain of transaction records in the blockchain system. 

2. What are the important features of Solidity?

3. What extension does the source file have in Solidity?

The Solidity contract file/ library file has an extension .sol. For example, Geeksforgeeks.sol. The SOL script is a file that is programmed in Solidity programming language in the same way files are created in C++ or any other programming language. The SOL file contains the solidity source code and is used to create smart contracts for the transactions on the blockchain.

4. What type of language is Solidity?

Solidity is a statically-typed high-0level object-oriented programming language designed for developing smart contracts that run on Ethereum Virtual Machine (EVM). 

5. Why is Solidity used in Blockchain?

Solidity is designed to develop smart contracts for transactions on the Blockchain. 

6. What is a smart contract?

Smart contracts are computer programs stored on the blockchain that are executed when the predetermined conditions are met. 

7. What is a gas limit in Solidity?

A gas limit in Solidity refers to the maximum amount of gas a user is willing to spend on a transaction. When creating a transaction on the Ethereum Network user must specify the gas limit to ensure that they don’t spend more gas than they intend.

8. What is a variable in Solidity?

A variable in Solidity is a storage location that can contain values. These values can be changed during runtime. Variables are broadly classified as state variables and local variables.

9. What is an event in Solidity?

An event is an inheritable member of the contract, which stores the arguments passed in the transaction logs when emitted.

10. What is a library in Solidity?

Libraries in solidity are similar to contracts that contain reusable codes. A library has functions that can be called by other contracts.

Solidity Interview Questions for Intermediate

Explore the list of intermediate interview questions with answers for Solidity. So if you have experience spanning one or two years, then this section is very good for you to upscale your knowledge.

11. What is the constant function in Solidity?

A constant function does not change the state of the contract. Therefore, the constant function can be called from anywhere without concerning the security issues it will impose as the function will not affect the state of the contract.

12. Is it possible to use loops in Solidity?

Yes, one can use loops in Solidity. Solidity supports all necessary loops to make programming easier. One should be careful while using the loops in Solidity.

13. What are hexadecimal literals in Solidity?

Hexadecimal literals are prefixed with hex keyword. These are enclosed in double or single quotes. For example, hex”2AB3F”. Hexadecimal literals have the same convertibility restrictions as string literals. 

14. What are the different Ether units available in Solidity?

The different ether units available in Solidity are wei, kwei, gwei, mwei, microether, milliether, ether.

15. What time units are available in Solidity?

Solidity has time units where the lowest time unit is second and other time units are seconds, minutes, hours, days, and weeks.

16. What are storage variables in Solidity?

Storage variables are the variables that are stored on the blockchain. These variables are permanent and are used for storing important data concerning the contract. They are also known as dynamic variables and are stored in the storage and cannot be changed. They are persistent.

17. What are source files in Solidity?

A solidity source file can contain any number of smart contracts or library definitions in a single file. 

18. What are state variables in Solidity?

State variables are stored in the storage. These values are permanently stored in the contract’s storage. 

19. What are the main components of a Solidity Smart Contract?

 The main components of a Solidity smart contract are:

20. What is special in smart contracts compared to other programs?

21. List the difference between unit8 and unit16.

22. What are private and public variables in Solidity?

23. List the differences between view and pure functions.

Parameters View Functions Pure Functions
Definition These are read-only functions, which ensures that state variables cannot be modified after calling them. These do not read or modify the state variables, which return the values only using the parameters passed to the function or local variables present in it. 
Data Access read None
Transaction Type Call Call
Ideal For Getter functions to view data on the blockchain. Defined to the scope of the function and not view data on the blockchain.

24. List the difference between memory and storage in Solidity.

Parameters Memory Storage
Definition Memory in Solidity is a temporary place to store data. Storage holds data between function calls.
Memory Type The Solidity Smart Contract can use any amount of memory during the execution but once the execution stops, the Memory is completely wiped off for the next execution. Storage is persistent, each execution of the Smart contract has access to the data previously stored in the storage area.
Usage It is better to use Memory for intermediate calculations. It is better to use Storage to store the final result.
What Does it Store? Function arguments are stored in Memory. State variables and Local Variables of structs, and arrays are always stored in Storage by default.

25. List the differences between struct and array.

Parameters Struct Array
Definition A struct is a collection of heterogeneous data. An array is a collection of homogeneous data.
Elements referenced by Elements in the struct are referred to by their unique name. Elements in an array are referred to by subscripts.
Data Type It is a user-defined data type. It is a derived data type.

26. How much is 1 gwei of Ether?

1 Gwei equals 0.000000001 or 10e-9 ETH. 1 ETH equals one billion (10e9) Gwei.

27. How much is 1 wei of Ether?

1 wei is equivalent to 10^-18 ETH. 1 ETH is equal to 1,000,000,000,000,000,000 wei/

28. How much is 1 kwei of Ether?

1 kwei is equal to 0.00000000 ETH.

Advanced Solidity Interview Questions for Experienced

In this section we have compiled all the Solidity advance level interview questions with answers.

29. What is the difference between Solidity and other programming languages?

30.  What is the ABI of the contract?

The Application Binary Interface (ABI) allows anyone writing a smart contract to be able to communicate between a web application written in high-level programming language and the bytecode that is understandable by EVM. 

31. What are the different types of conversions allowed in Solidity?

Solidity allows Implicit and Explicit conversions. 

32. How does error handling work in Solidity? 

Solidity provides various functions for error handling where the solidity code is compiled to the byte code and the syntax error check happens at the compile time while the runtime errors are difficult to catch and occur while executing the smart contract.

33. What do revert() and revert(string reason) do?

Both of them are error-handling methods in Solidity.

34. What happens if the smart contract does not specify the Solidity version?

Failure to choose the correct version of Solidity while programming the smart contract might lead to the smart contract compilation failure. 

35. Explain the role of the Ethereum Virtual Machine (EVM).

Ethereum Virtual Machine (EVM) serves as the runtime environment for smart contracts running on the Ethereum Blockchain and ensures that smart contracts are executed securely across all nodes in the network.

36. Does EVM understands Solidity?

The EVM does not directly understand Solidity as it understands and executes bytecode. When a transaction is executed EVM reads and processes the corresponding bytecode instructions.

37. What is a proxy contract in Solidity?

A proxy contract in Solidity is a design pattern that employs a secondary contract to act as an intermediary between the users and the main contract. It is often used for storage optimization purposes.

38. What is a staking pool in Solidity?

Staking Pool in Solidity is a smart contract that allows users to pool their cryptocurrency holdings together and participate in various blockchain activities like PoS consensus, etc.

39. List the difference between public and private visibility modifiers in Solidity?

Parameters Public Visibility Modifier Private Visibility Modifier
Accessibility When a state variable, function, or contract is declared as public then it is accessible from any contract including the contract itself, derived contracts, and other external contracts. When a state variable, function, or contract is declared as private then it is accessible only within the contract in which it is defined.
Accessibility by External Transactions They can also be called directly by external transactions. It cannot be accessed from external transactions.
Getter Function Solidity automatically generates a getter function to allow external access. No getter functions are generated for private state variables.

40. List different types of libraries in Solidity.

41. What is Decentralized Exchange (DEX)?

The Decentralized Exchange (DEX) is a peer-to-peer crypto exchange that operates on a decentralized platform. It does not rely on a single centralized authority to facilitate trade instead it uses several blockchain features like smart contracts and AMM algorithms to enable the trade of crypto assets directly.

42. What is assert and require in Solidity?

Parameters Assert Require
Definition Assert is used to check for code and should never be false. Require is used to validate inputs and conditions before execution.
Syntax assert(bool condition)

require(bool condition)

require(bool condition, string memory message)

Gas Utility The assert() function when false, uses up all the remaining gas and reverts all the changes made. The require() function when false, also reverts back all the changes made to the contract but does refund all the remaining gas fees we offered to pay.

43. What is the formula to calculate Ethereum gas cost?

Gas fees are paid in Ethereum using this formula:

Total gas fees = gasLimit * gasPrice per unit


gasLimit = maximum amount of gas that is going to spend on a single transaction

gasPrice = minimum gas cost of the execution of a transaction

44. What is the difference between tx.origin and msg.sender?

45. What is the largest value a uint256 can store?

uint256 is an unsigned integer that can hold a maximum value of 2^256-1. It requires 32 bytes of storage space.

46. What is a sandwich attack?

The sandwich attack is a form of front-running that targets decentralized finance protocols and services. It leverages the unique characteristics of DeFi to make money by manipulating crypto markets.

47. What is ERC165 used for?

The ERC165 is a standard to publish and detect what interfaces a smart contract implements.

48. What is TWAP?

Time-Wieghted Average Price (TWAP) is an algorithmic strategy that aims to achieve an average execution price close to the time-weighted average price of the user-specified period. TWAP is calculated for executing large trade orders.

49. What is a bonding curve?

Bonding curve is a mathematical concept that is used to describe the relationship between price and token supply.

50. What is a reentrancy attack in Solidity?

Reentrancy is a type of attack that can occur in smart contracts that allow untrusted external code to be executed within the contract. This can happen when a smart contract calls an external contract, and the external contract then calls back into the original contract, potentially causing an infinite loop.


In conclusion, Solidity is an trending technology that used by many MNC’s such as Unicsoft, ValueCoders, PixelCrayons. etc. These companies hires Solidity developers frequently. And to get into these companies you need to prepare well about their company specific questions apart from mentioned Solidity interview questions. After doing this, you will definitely succeed into the interviews.

Solidity Interviews Questions – FAQs

Q1. Which companies use Solidity?

Here is the list of companies that frequently hire Solidity Engineer/developer:

  1. Unicsoft.
  2. ValueCoders.
  3. PixelCrayons.
  4. OpenXcell
  6. dealogic
  8. S-PRO.
  9. Talentica Software.
  10. ELEKS

Q2. How much do Solidity programmers make?

According to GeeksforGeeks Experience, The Average Entry-level Salary of Solidity developer ranges from $45,000 – $90,000.

Q3. Is Solidity in demand 2023?

With the continued growth of the blockchain industry, the demand for Solidity developers is likely to increase even further in 2023, as it is the most popular programming language for developing smart contracts on the Ethereum blockchain.

Q4. Is it easy to get a job with Solidity?

There are many job opportunities for Solidity developers. Solidity is one of the highest paid jobs in the blockchain industry.

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