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Computer Graphics

Recent Articles on Computer Graphics

Basics :

  1. Basic Graphic Programming in C++
  2. Vector vs Raster Graphics
  3. Segments in Computer Graphics
  4. Image Formats

Output Primitives :

  1. DDA Line generation Algorithm in Computer Graphics
  2. Bresenham’s Line Generation Algorithm
  3. Mid-Point Line Generation Algorithm
  4. Program to find line passing through 2 Points
  5. Bresenham’s circle drawing algorithm
  6. Anti-aliased Line | Xiaolin Wu’s algorithm
  7. Neighbors of a point on a circle using Bresenham’s algorithm
  8. Mid-Point Circle Drawing Algorithm
  9. Boundary Fill Algorithm
  10. Flood fill Algorithm – how to implement fill() in paint?
  11. Flood fill algorithm using C graphics
  12. Draw ellipse in C graphics
  13. Draw a line in C++ graphics
  14. Draw Rectangle in C graphics
  15. Draw circle in C graphics
  16. Draw a circle without floating point arithmetic
  17. Code to generate the map of India (with explanation)

2-Dimensional Viewing :

  1. 2D Transformation in Computer Graphics | Set 1 (Scaling of Objects)
  2. 2D Transformation | Rotation of objects
  3. Point Clipping Algorithm in Computer Graphics
  4. Line Clipping | Set 1 (Cohen–Sutherland Algorithm)
  5. Polygon Clipping | Sutherland–Hodgman Algorithm
  6. Implementation of a Falling Matrix

Visible Surface Detection :

  1. A-Buffer Method
  2. Z-Buffer or Depth-Buffer method
  3. Back-Face Detection Method

3-Dimension Object Representation :

  1. Snowflakes Fractal using Python
  2. Koch Curve or Koch Snowflake
  3. Klee’s Algorithm (Length Of Union Of Segments of a line)
  4. Cubic Bezier Curve Implementation in C
  5. Fractals in C/C++

Open GL :

  1. Scan-line Polygon filling using OPENGL in C
  2. Rendering a Triangle using OpenGL(using Shaders)
  3. Getting started with OpenGL
  4. OpenGL program for Simple Ball Game
  5. OpenGL program for simple Animation (Revolution) in C
  6. Translation of objects in computer graphics
  7. Rendering a Triangle using OpenGL(using Shaders)

Graphics function in C :

  1. pieslice() function in C
  2. outtextxy() function in C
  3. settextstyle function in C
  4. outtext() function in C
  5. setlinestyle() function in C
  6. getx() function in C
  7. sector() function in C
  8. moveto() function in C
  9. gety() function in C
  10. getmaxx() function in C
  11. getmaxy() function in C
  12. lineto() function in C
  13. linerel() function in C
  14. setfillstyle() and floodfill() in C
  15. arc function in C
  16. bar3d() function in C
  17. moverel() function in C
  18. cleardevice() function in C
  19. closegraph() function in C
  20. drawpoly() function in C
  21. putpixel() function in C
  22. getarcoords() function in C
  23. getbkcolor() function in C
  24. getmaxcolor() function in C
  25. getpixel() function in C
  26. setcolor function in C
  27. imagesize() function in C
  28. textheight() function in C
  29. textwidth() function in C
  30. grapherrormsg() function in C
  31. fillpoly() function in C
  32. fillellipse() function in C
  33. bar() function in C

Misc :

  1. How to add “graphics.h” C/C++ library to gcc compiler in Linux
  2. How to include graphics.h in CodeBlocks?
  3. Cathode ray tube (video display device)
  4. High Definition Multimedia Interface (HDMI)
  5. Common Video Format
  6. Audio Format

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