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Basic Ansible Commands

In the increasingly complicated IT systems of today, effective and consistent infrastructure management is essential. Ansible shows up as a potent automation tool that makes it simple to configure, deploy, and manage systems in a variety of scenarios. This book will provide you with a fundamental grasp of Ansible’s fundamental commands and useful uses, even if you are new to it.

Ansible enables scalable and effective automation on a variety of servers and hardware. It is a flexible solution for optimized IT operations, supporting everything from smooth software installation and configuration management to efficient provisioning, deployment, and testing. This article lays the groundwork for efficient automation processes by providing a comprehensive article on key Ansible commands. We’ll explore:

By traversing these topics, you’ll gain the necessary proficiency to unlock the power of Ansible automation, streamlining your IT infrastructure and boosting productivity.

Key Concepts

Ansible: Ansible is an IT automation tool written in Python, primarily focused on infrastructure management and configuration.

Playbook: A YAML-based file containing Ansible tasks and instructions for automating actions on target systems.

Inventory: A file defining the systems Ansible will manage, typically including their IP addresses, hostnames, or cloud resource IDs.

Module: An Ansible unit that performs specific tasks on target systems, such as installing software, managing files, or running commands.

How to install Ansible on your system

The ansible installation process varies slightly depending on your operating system, but the core requirements remain consistent: a compatible Python version (2.7 or higher). This article outlines the streamlined installation methods for popular Linux distributions and macOS.

Linux and Unix-like Systems


sudo apt-get install ansible


CentOS/Red Hat

sudo yum install ansible

Install pip if necessary:

Then, run:

pip install ansible


Homebrew: This popular package manager simplifies installation on macOS.

brew install ansible


Once installed, confirm successful setup by running:

ansible --version

Expect output similar to:

Congratulations! You’re now equipped to harness the power of Ansible automation.

How to create an inventory file that lists the target hosts

Upon installation, Ansible generates a default inventory file at /etc/ansible/hosts. While functional, utilizing project-specific inventories is a recommended practice for several reasons:

Step-by-Step Guide

Navigate to your home directory and create a dedicated directory for Ansible files:

cd ~
mkdir ansible

Move to the newly created directory and open a new inventory file using your preferred text editor:

cd ansible
nano inventory

Populate the file with individual server entries, each on a separate line. Both hostnames and IP addresses are valid:

Validate and retrieve information about your inventory using the ansible-inventory command:

ansible-inventory -i inventory --list


Understanding the Output

Even without explicitly defining groups, the output displays two automatically inferred groups:

Remember, groups enable granular targeting and variable assignment within your playbooks, enhancing organization and efficiency.

(BONUS) Example

The following example showcases a basic inventory file structure with two host groups:



In this instance, we manage three web servers and two database servers. Group names enable efficient group-level targeting, while individual hostnames or IP addresses allow granular control. To verify connectivity to your hosts, leverage the ping module:

ansible web -m ping

A successful response should resemble:

This indicates successful communication with your web servers. Any errors or failures warrant investigating SSH settings, firewall rules, and target host permissions.

Executing On-Demand Tasks: Mastering Ad-Hoc Commands in Ansible

Ad-hoc commands offer an agile approach to interact with your Ansible hosts, enabling one-time execution without requiring playbooks. Ideal for rapid tasks or troubleshooting, they empower immediate intervention and verification.

Utilizing ad-hoc commands follows a consistent structure

ansible <host-pattern> -m <module-name> -a <module-arguments>

Breaking Down the Syntax

Example Scenarios

ansible all -m command -a uptime

ansible web -m file -a "path=/tmp/test state=directory"

ansible web -m service -a "name=nginx state=restarted"

ansible db -m apt -a "name=git state=latest"

Remember, ad-hoc commands offer a versatile tool for immediate interactions with your Ansible managed infrastructure.

How to write and execute playbooks that define the tasks to be performed

Playbooks, defined in YAML files, serve as the blueprints for your automation endeavors. They orchestrate a sequence of tasks across target hosts, empowering you to install applications, configure systems, and manage your infrastructure efficiently.

Structure and Syntax

Beyond these core elements, playbooks leverage:

Example: Deploying and Configuring Nginx

- name: Install and configure nginx on web servers
hosts: web
become: yes
nginx_port: 80
nginx_root: /var/www/html
- name: Install nginx
name: nginx
state: present
update_cache: yes
- name: Copy index.html file
src: index.html
dest: "{{ nginx_root }}/index.html"
- name: Configure nginx port
path: /etc/nginx/sites-available/default
regexp: "^\s*listen\\s+"
line: " listen {{ nginx_port }};"
backup: yes
- name: Restart nginx service
name: nginx
state: restarted

Execution and Verification

Run playbooks using the ansible-playbook command, specifying the playbook file:

ansible-playbook nginx.yml

A successful execution displays task results for each targeted host. Verify their application by accessing the configured web servers to confirm the deployed index.html file, below is the raw output of above command :

Encountering Obstacles in Ansible: Troubleshooting Common Errors and Issues

While Ansible empowers efficient automation, sometimes errors or issues can impede its smooth operation. Here’s a guide to tackling common challenges:

1. Authentication Failed

Symptom: Ansible cannot connect to the target host via SSH.

Causes: Incorrect SSH settings, username/password, missing keys, or firewall rules.


2. Module Not Found

Symptom: Ansible cannot locate the specified module.

Causes: Typo in the module name, missing module, or incorrect module path.


3. Syntax Error

Symptom: Ansible cannot parse the playbook or inventory file due to syntax errors.

Causes: Missing/extra characters, incorrect indentation, formatting, or data types.


Beyond these common issues, you may encounter specific challenges based on your environment. Here are some general troubleshooting tips:

Remember, effective troubleshooting often requires a combination of these techniques and a close examination of your specific context.


This article has equipped you with a foundational understanding of Ansible, empowering you to automate tasks across multiple servers or devices. We’ve explored:

Ansible’s power and flexibility lie in its ability to simplify and expedite numerous IT tasks, ultimately enhancing your productivity and efficiency. We trust this article has provided a valuable introduction, igniting your journey towards streamlined automation with Ansible.

Basic Ansible Commands – FAQ’s:

What is Ansible used for?

Ansible empowers automation, configuration management, and orchestration across IT infrastructure, streamlining repetitive tasks for administrators.

How does Ansible stand out?

Unlike many peers, Ansible is agentless, removing the need for software installation on managed nodes. Utilizing SSH for communication, it champions lightweight operation and effortless setup.

Is Windows compatibility possible?

Absolutely! WSL (Windows Subsystem for Linux) and Cygwin serve as gateways for running Ansible on Windows machines.

What is the significance of the inventory file?

Your inventory file acts as a crucial roadmap, dictating the specific hosts or groups upon which Ansible operates. It’s vital for effectively managing your remote systems.

Are there graphical interfaces for Ansible?

Tools like Ansible Tower offer web-based graphical interfaces, enabling intuitive management and visualization of your Ansible playbooks.

What are Ansible variables?

Variables function as data repositories, storing reusable information throughout playbooks, enhancing their dynamism and flexibility.

How do I handle conditional logic in playbooks?

Conditional statements like when and unless empower you to control task execution based on specific criteria, guiding the logic flow within your playbooks.

What are roles, and how do I use them?

Roles champion code reusability and organization by encapsulating tasks, variables, and files into self-contained units, promoting modularity and efficiency.

How do I manage passwords securely with Ansible?

Leverage the vault module to securely store sensitive information like passwords. Retrieve them seamlessly during playbook execution, ensuring security best practices.

What are best practices for writing Ansible playbooks?

Maintain modularity and focus within your playbooks, assigning each playbook a defined set of tasks. Embrace variables for configuration, leaving hardcoded values behind. Remember, clear documentation is key for long-term maintainability.

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