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Variables And Templates In Ansible

Let’s say you are owning a small technological company and you need to get the machines set up in a way that it’s correct and as it should be. This might have you installing core software packages, copying over and tweaking system config files or getting involved in system settings just to name a few of the many things you have to do. Now, you may choose to do this all by manual as you may do it one by one for each individual server, but are you willing to sacrifice your time or be patient enough to do such a mind-boggling task? Healthcare or nursing education can be truly hard work!

And at this stage the thing called Ansible is a technical powerhouse that comes to rescue here. In other words, Ansible allows you to automate your boring setup tasks by writing playbooks, which are just files containing some custom-written command-lines and other instructions. Playbacks are similar to cookbook, the only difference is that in the book the ingredients and the steps to make the good recipe are listed but you’re providing your servers team with step-by-step instructions of what you want them to do.

What Is Ansible?

Ansible playbooks are like small packets of instructions where the playbooks themselves are notifying Ansible to execute on one or more servers or devices. They are written in YAML syntax, which is YAML syntax was created to be a simple and human-readable data format. The playbook can include one or a combination of plays. Every play specifies a set of hosts that are the servers/A devices in which the tasks within a particular play should be carried out. For example, a hacker can concentrate on web servers. However, the next hacker may pursue another target, that is, database servers.

Every play internally features tasks, which basically is the set of those specific actions or operations you expect Ansible to run on your hosts. Day-to-day tasks include packages installation, creating/editing files and folders, operation of the services (starting and stopping), and command or script execution, files copying mostly.

The main operations are absent, which are available in Ansible modules. Users can use those modules for management or working with services like web servers.

A Step-By-Step Guide On Writing Playbook With Variables And Templates In Ansible

Step 1: Installing Ansible

Step 2: Set Up The Inventory File

The name this new file is to be known as is inventory and you will add the IP addresses or hostnames of the target machines you want to use to execute the playbook. For example:


Step 2: Create A Variables File

http_port: 8080
max_clients: 200

Step 3: Create a Template File

# This is the main Apache HTTP server configuration file.

Listen {{ http_port }}
MaxClients {{ max_clients }}

# ... other configuration options ...

Step 4: Create The Playbook

- hosts: webservers
- vars.yml

- name: Install Apache
name: httpd
state: present

- name: Configure Apache
src: httpd.conf.j2
dest: /etc/httpd/conf/httpd.conf
- restart apache

- name: restart apache
name: httpd
state: restarted

In this playbook:

Step 5: Execute The Playbook

ansible-playbook -i inventory apache.yml

Step 6: Verify The Results

Advantages Of Variables And Templates In Ansible

The following are the advantages of Variables In Ansible:

Advantages Of Templates In Ansible

The following are the advantages of templates in Ansible:

Disadvantages Of Variables And Templates In Ansible

The following are the disadvantages of Variable in Ansible:

Disadvantages Of Templates In Ansible

Therefore, it is critical to carefully evaluate the disadvantages of employing of variables and templates and consider if the advantages outweigh these disadvantages in Ansible. The strategic planning, document organization and observing best practices help to weed out some the challenges and deliver a seamless and well-oiled Ansible system.


Although Ansible offers a set of variables (that influence the general operations) and templates (those are similar to Google Docs), their effect on the management of infrastructure can be considered as a strong point of such tool. By harnessing variables, you can consolidate and reuse configuration data, define consistency, as well as separate concerns accordingly to enable a more modular and maintainable Ansible code. While forms help you make editable files that can be tailored to meet different requirements by adjusting property values, templates facilitate the creation of dynamic files that can be customized by various customer input, thus reducing time consumption and encouraging code reuse. However, they are not without their downside as they can be complex to implement, having security issues to be dealt with, for debugging to be done and the overhead of performance to be managed. Though, the challenges of getting the job done properly in many cases can be alleviated once there is appropriate planning, documentation and adherence to the best practices.

Ansible Variables And Templates – FAQ’s

How Can I Define Variables In Ansible?

Variables can be defined in various places in Ansible, such as inventory files, playbooks, roles, or variable files (e.g., vars/main.yml). You can also set variables using the command line or environment variables.

What Is The Difference Between Jinja2 Templates And Ansible Templates?

Ansible templates are based on the Jinja2 templating engine, but they are specifically designed for use within Ansible. Ansible templates provide additional features and filters tailored for Ansible workflows.

Can I Use Conditionals And Loops In Ansible Templates?

Yes, Ansible templates support conditionals (using {% if %}…{% endif %}) and loops (using {% for %}…{% endfor %}) based on the Jinja2 syntax. This allows you to create more complex and dynamic configurations.

How Can I Access Variables Within An Ansible Template?

You can access variables within an Ansible template using the double curly brace syntax, e.g., {{ variable_name }}. This will insert the value of the variable at that location in the rendered template.

Is It Possible To Include Other Files Or Templates Within An Ansible Template?

Yes, Ansible provides several ways to include other files or templates within a template. You can use the {% include %} statement to include the contents of another file, or {% import %} to import macros or variables from another file.

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