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How To Install Java Using Ansible PlayBook ?

In today’s dynamic IT landscape, effective management and automation of software installations across various servers are pivotal for maintaining consistency, dependability, and versatility. Ansible, an open-source automation tool, has acquired huge popularity for its simplicity and flexibility in automating different IT tasks, including software provisioning, configuration management, and application deployment.

Java is necessary for running a wide range of applications, web servers, and enterprise software solutions because it is one of the most widely used programming languages and computing platforms. The process of manually installing Java on multiple servers can be time-consuming and error-prone. Be that as it may, with Ansible, you can streamline out and automate the establishment of Java across your infrastructure easily.

This guide intends to give a comprehensive walkthrough on the best way to use Ansible to introduce Java seamlessly on target servers. We’ll go over everything you need to know about installing Java with Ansible playbooks, from the definitions of key terms to a step-by-step procedure.

Primary Terminologies


Ansible is an automation tool for IT orchestration, configuration management, and application deployment that is open-source. It enables users to efficiently automate complicated workflows across multiple servers by defining automation tasks in playbooks using a simple language based on YAML.


In Ansible, a playbook is a YAML file that contains a set of tasks that define the system’s desired state. Playbooks are used to automate software installation, server configuration, and application deployment, among other IT tasks. They empower users to depict the means expected to accomplish a specific result and can be executed successively or simultaneously across numerous hosts.


Java is a programming language that is used a lot and a computing platform that is known for being portable, secure, and scalable. Web applications, mobile apps, enterprise software, and embedded systems all make use of it frequently. Java programs are compiled into bytecode, which can run on any device or platform with a Java Virtual Machine (JVM) introduced.


OpenJDK is a Java Platform, Standard Edition (Java SE) implementation that is freely available. It gives a free and open-source Java Improvement Unit (JDK), including compilers, runtime libraries, and improvement devices. OpenJDK is generally utilized in both business and non-business projects and servers in as the reference implementation of the Java platform.


YAML (YAML Ain’t Markup Language) is a human-readable data serialization format commonly utilized for configuration files, data exchange, and defining structured data in Ansible playbooks. By employing key-value pairs and indentation to represent hierarchical data structures, YAML files are machine- and human-friendly to read and write. Ansible playbooks, inventory records, and configuration files are normally written in YAML format.

Step-By-Step Process To Install Java using Ansible Playbook?

Step 1: Launch an instance

Step 2: Install Ansible

 sudo amazon-linux-extras install ansible2

Step 3: Create a playbook

sudo vi <filename.yml>

Here is the playbook script to install JAVA using ansible playbook

- name: Install Java on Amazon Linux
hosts: all
become: yes
- name: Install Java
name: java-1.8.0-openjdk
state: present

Step 4: Setting up Host Permission for slave node

cd /etc/ansible/

sudo vi host 

 scp -i keyapir.pem keypair.pem ec2-user@public-IP-address:/home/ec2-user(path to download)
sudo chmod 400 <keypair.pem>

ansible ping -m all

Step 5: Running the Playbook

ansible-playbook <filename.yml>

java -version


There are numerous advantages to using Ansible to install Java across your infrastructure, including scalability, consistency, and automation. By utilizing Ansible playbooks, you can streamline the deployment process, ensure that all servers have the necessary Java variant introduced, and limit manual blunders. All through this guide, we’ve investigated the primary terminologies related with Ansible and Java, illustrated a step by step process for introducing Java utilizing Ansible playbooks, and gave experiences into best practices and contemplations.

Mastering tools like Ansible becomes increasingly valuable as organizations continue to adopt automation and DevOps practices. With Ansible, you can introduce Java as well as deal with your whole IT infrastructure efficiently, from configuration management to application deployment. You can automate repetitive tasks, accelerate software deployments, and maintain consistency across your infrastructure by utilizing the power of Ansible. This will ultimately lead to an increase in productivity and a decrease in the cost of operations.

Install Java Using Ansible PlayBook – FAQ’s

Could Ansible be used to install Java on Windows servers?

Ansible fundamentally works on Unix-like systems, yet it can manage Windows has too. On the other hand, the Java installation playbook tasks for Windows servers might be different, and you might need to use different modules or approaches.

Is it possible to uninstall Java using Ansible?

Yes, Ansible has modules for managing packages on a variety of operating systems. These modules let you write tasks to uninstall Java packages whenever you need to. Playbook tasks can be created to remove particular Java packages or versions from target servers.

What should I do if Ansible requires me to install a particular Java version?

Ansible allows you to determine the version of Java to introduce by changing the package name or repository sources in the playbook tasks. You can tailor the playbook to install the ideal Java form as indicated by your prerequisites.

Could I at utilize Ansible to manage with multiple Java installations or versions?

Yes, Ansible supports managing with different Java installations or versions by incorporating conditional tasks in playbooks in light of explicit models like host factors or realities. You can make playbook tasks to install, update, or remove Java versions based of your infrastructure prerequisites.

How might I ensure security while installing Java using Ansible?

Best practices like securely storing credentials, restricting access to Ansible playbooks and inventory files, utilizing encrypted connections for communication between target hosts and the Ansible control node, and regularly updating Ansible and your playbook configurations for security vulnerabilities are all ways to ensure security.

Can Java installations be managed by Ansible in containerized environments?

Yes, Ansible can manage Java installation in containerized environments by executing tasks inside containers utilizing the ‘docker’ or ‘podman’ modules. You can write playbooks to make containers with Java installed or to execute commands inside existing containers to install or manage Java versions.

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