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Accenture Interview Experience for ASE (On-Campus) 2023

Accenture is one of the much-appreciated companies for On-campus recruitment in typical engineering colleges. Accenture hires Associate software engineer (ASE) and advanced associate software engineer (AASE) profiles.


We got registration links in our college emails from Accenture and had to fill in basic academic details and resumes for registration. Once you get registered you will get an email from Accenture. After a few days, we got mail for Mock-Test. On the day we attempted the mock round in the college lab. The mock round was conducted to make students comfortable with the platform. Both the Camera and mic were on during the whole time.

As this was an on-campus drive, we didn’t have to choose the slot for the exam, a list was published from the college to inform us about the timing and seating arrangements, and we got our admit cards through e-mail.

On the day of the test, Representatives from the company were there for verification. After verification, we were allowed to attend the test. We were given 90 mins to solve 90 questions of aptitude and reasoning. Questions were from topics like Logical and Analytical Reasoning, English, Pseudocode, and Technical aptitude from Network and Security, and MS Office. Questions were of easy to medium level. My suggestion will be, to try to solve all pseudocodes to qualify for the next round and try to solve easy portions like English at the very beginning to save time for solving pseudocodes. While solving a portion solve and move on, don’t think you will come back again and solve, practically you won’t get that much time.

Once you finish your aptitude round, a timer will keep on moving for almost 3 minutes making you remember your all mistakes done in previous semesters. If you qualify your screen will proceed toward the coding round opening 2 Questions to solve in 45 minutes, otherwise, you will receive a rejection mail.

You get 2 Questions to solve in any language, one of the questions was for me to Check if both strings are pseudo-equivalent or not, and certain conditions were mentioned for being pseudo-equivalent. Another code was about scheduling machine sequences to get a job done. The first question was for 10 marks and was an easy to medium level question and the second one was for 20 marks and the difficulty level was medium to hard.

Though you get promoted to the next round by solving just one coding question, still solving both questions will set your chances higher. You will get your result through the mail just after the test.

After 5-6 days selected candidates got mail to choose a slot for the communication round. This round was an online round where you just had to answer questions given in the system. Question was like

  1. Repeat the following passage after hearing.
  2. Jumbled Words
  3. Vocabulary
  4. Creative answer (You have to give your thoughts on a given topic).

Though the communication round is a non-elimination round, still marks of these round matters for the final selection.

Again, after a week we got mail to choose an interview slot. On the day you have to log into the portal and wait for the interviewer to join the meeting, you can’t move away from the screen, otherwise, you will be counted absent.

Before 5mins to the schedule my interviewer joined and introduced himself and asked for my introduction. Then the interview gets started with the details mentioned in my resume.

Okay, now this is based on your luck and how your interview goes, can be purely technical or tech + HR or completely HR interview. Mine was mostly technical.

Questions were like:

  1. Explain your project
  2. What are the technologies you have used?
  3. Some questions on Spring Framework (My project was on spring)
  4. Subjects you studied in your B.Tech
  5. Less favorite subject (I answered Image Processing)
  6. What is Image Processing?
  7. Subjects you liked?
  8. Define Computer Networks for me
  9. Explain the other project
  10. Define the SDLC model used in your group project and the benefits of using that.
  11. Questions on Agile methodologies
  12. Difficulties faced during making projects
  13. My Input during any discussion that significantly helped in solving a problem
  14. ” Any questions for me” – Interviewer.

The interviewer seemed pleased after the interview and we discussed a few minutes on what are the new technologies I should try.


After the interview, you have to wait for a much longer time to get your result either from college or by email from Accenture. Once you get a selection mail, they send you a Letter of Internet (LOI) which you have to accept within a week.


It does not matter how good was your interview or how good your coding round it doesn’t guarantee selection. Accenture considers overall performance to selecting candidates. Candidates with higher marks are offered AASE and others get ASE.

Keep Studying and Practicing Questions on GFG, it will not be too difficult to get through.

Good Luck!

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