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JavaScript Program to Generate all Binary Strings From Given Pattern

Last Updated : 06 Oct, 2023
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In this article, we are going to learn about Generating all binary strings from a given pattern in JavaScript. Generating all binary strings from a given pattern involves creating a set of binary sequences that follow the pattern’s structure, where specific positions in the sequences can be filled with ‘0’ or ‘1’ based on the pattern’s placeholders or rules.

Table of Content

We will explore all the above methods along with their basic implementation with the help of examples.

Approach 1: Using Recursion

In this approach,

  • Recursion involves a function calling itself with modified parameters.
  • In this example, recursion generates binary strings based on the input pattern.
  • It branches at wildcard characters (‘X’) and preserves non-‘X’ characters, exploring all valid combinations.

Example: In this example, The BinaryStrings function generates binary strings by replacing ‘X’ in the input string ‘X1X’ with ‘0’ and ‘1’, recursively exploring all possibilities and printing the results.


function BinaryStrings(str, index = '') {
    index.length === str.length
        ? console.log(index)
        : str[index.length] === 'X'
            ? (BinaryStrings(str, index + '0'),
                BinaryStrings(str, index + '1'))
            : BinaryStrings(str, index + str[index.length]);
const result = 'X1X';



Approach 2: Using Queue

In this approach,

  • We use a queue to iteratively generate binary strings from the ‘X’ pattern.
  • Expands the queue by appending ‘0’ and ‘1’ for ‘X’ characters or preserving non-‘X’ characters.
  • Prints valid binary strings when they reach the pattern’s length.

Example: In this example, we are using the above-explained approach.


function generateBinaryStrings(str) {
    const queue = [''];
    for (let i = 0; i < queue.length; i++) {
        const current = queue[i];
        if (current.length === str.length) {
        } else {
            const nextIndex = current.length;
            if (str[nextIndex] === 'X') {
                queue.push(current + '0');
                queue.push(current + '1');
            } else {
                queue.push(current + str[nextIndex]);
const result = 'X1X';



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