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What is High Level Language?

Computer languages have huge importance in digital world. Because if you want to create anything such as application, website, software or game you need to write its made using a coding language, which is most probably a high level language because they are easier to use and understand by humans. In this article we will understand what is a high level language? Its types uses, advantages and disadvantages

What is High Level Language?

High level languages are programming languages which are used for writing programs or software which could be understood by the humans and computer. High level languages are easier to understand for humans because it uses lot of symbols letters phrases to represent logic and instructions in a program. It contains high level of abstraction compared to low level languages.

Examples of Some High Level Languages

Execution of High Level Languages

There are three ways in which high level languages can be executed


In this there is a program called interpreter, its task is to read the code written in high level language understand the program flow and execute it. It just executes it or perform instruction in it without compiling. This happens in case of interpreted languages such as Python, Ruby, and JavaScript

Compiled Languages

This a little different from interpreted languages, in this first the code is transformed into a executable code, in machine language . Two ways of compilation are there first is by machine code generation other is by Intermediate representation.

some compiled languages are C, C++, Java

Transcompile Languages

This is also known as Source-to-source translation Because in this the source code of one language is converted into source code of another programming language. This is done so that code can be used for multiple platforms. Some transcompile languages are TypeScript, Coffee Script etc.

Use of High Level Language

Advantages of High Level Languages

Disadvantages of High level Languages

FAQs on What is High Level Language?

Q.1: Are high level languages suitable for hardware programming?


No, most low level languages are used for better hardware programming because they have more control over hardware but high level languages have many more layers of abstraction which makes it unsuitable.

Q.2: What is meant by domain specific high level languages?


It means the language which can be used for each specific domain, for example SQL can only be used for server management, we cannot use it for creating website, or html can be used for web development not for developing desktop softwares.

Q.3: What is use of interpreters or compilers in high level language?


The main task of compilers is to convert human written code to machine language so that machine could execute the process. So, interpreters or compilers are used in high level language.

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