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What are the Different Units Used in Ethereum?

This article will discuss what a Denominated Currency is, multiple Bitcoin Units, BTC Denominations, Ethereum Denominations: Ether to Wei, Gwei to Ether, and More Altcoin Crypto Names and Denominations, and lastly the differences between Fiat and Crypto Denominations. Let’s discuss these topics in detail.

What is Denominated Currency?

Denominated Currency refers to the currency in which the Account is denominated, as specified by the Customer in the Investment Account application. For example, all payments made using Your Card must be in the Denominated Currency.

Between your home currency and the fund’s holdings, the denominated currency functions as a sort of middleman. For money or currencies like coins and notes as well as other financial instruments that uphold fixed values, a denomination is a unit of value. 

Bitcoin Denominations

Bitcoin is measured using a metric system of denominations. Making bitcoin money, often known as BTC, compatible with other global currencies is its primary objective. By being divisible to the eighth decimal point, bitcoin aims to serve this purpose.

Denomination Abbreviation  Name Dominations
Bitcoin BTC  Bitcoin  1 BTC
Centibit  cBTC  Centibitcoin 0.01 BTC
DecaBit  daBTC  Decabitcoin 10 BTC
Decibit dBTC  Decibitcoin  0.1 BTC
Hectobit hBTC  Hectobitcoin 100 BTC
Kilobit  kBTC  Kilobitcoin  1000 BTC
Megabit  MBTC Megabitcoin  1000000 BTC
Microbit  µBTC (uBTC) Microbitcoin or Bit 0.000001 BTC
Millibit  mBTC  Millibitcoin  0.001 BTC
Satoshi  SAT Satoshi  0.00000001 BTC


Decentralized and open-source, Ethereum is a blockchain that supports smart contracts. The platform’s native cryptocurrency is ether, abbreviated as ETH. 

Ethereum Denominations

There are 11 ways to divide an ether into other units. 

Unit  Denominations  
Wei 1 1
Kwei 1,000 10^3
Mwei 1,000,000 10^6
Gwei 1,000,000,000 10^9
Szabo 1,000,000,000,000 10^12
Finney 1,000,000,000,000,000 10^15
Ether 1,000,000,000,000,000,000 10^18
KEther 1,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 10^24
MEther 1,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 10^24
GEther 1,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 10^27
TEther 1,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 10^30

We have deployed the smart contract to check the Ethereum Units value is correct or not. 

// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
pragma solidity ^0.8.16;
/// @title A contract for different units used in Ethereum
/// @author Jitendra Kumar
/// @notice For now, this contract just show the Ethereum uints value correct or not
contract GFG {
    //Initialize the variable value
    bool oneWeiEqualTo=(1 wei == 1);
    string res1="1 wei is equal to 1 wei";
    bool oneGWeiEqualTo=(1 gwei == 10**9);
    string res2="1 gwei is equal to 10**9 (1e9) wei";
    bool oneEtherEqualTo=(1 ether == 10**18);
    string res3="1 ether is equal to 10**18 (1e18) wei";
    //Create the function to check the unit value is correct or not
    function weiUnit() public view returns(string memory){
            return res1;
        return "Ethereum unit value is wrong!";
    function gweiUnit() public view returns(string memory){
            return res2;
        return "Ethereum unit value is wrong!";
    function etherUnit() public view returns(string memory){
            return res3;
        return "Ethereum unit value is wrong!";

So, follow these steps to execute the above solidity smart contract:- 

1. Open Remix IDE. 

Open Remix IDE

2. Make a file with .sol extension and paste the given solidity code. 

Create GFG.sol File

3. Select the same Compiler version which is used in solidity code before clicking on Compile button.

Compile GFG.sol File

4. Click on Deploy button and get the deployed contract address.

Deploy GFG.sol File

5. Click on deployed contract address to get the result.

Output of  Deployed Smart Contract

Altcoin Crypto

An altcoin is a combination of two words, ALTernative COIN, which is how the term obtained its meaning. Altcoins are essentially Bitcoin alternatives. Except for bitcoin, all other digital currencies are classified as alternative coins.

Fiat vs Crypto Denominations

Below are some of the differences between fiat denominations and crypto denominations:

Parameters Fiat Denomination Crypto Denomination
Definition Fiat denomination is a Centralized denomination that is Monitored by Government. Crypto denomination is a Decentralized denomination that is not controlled by anyone.
Medium of exchange This is the physical medium of exchange. This is the digital medium of exchange.
Supply Fiat denominations are available in unlimited supply. Crypto denominations are available in limited supply.
Issuance These are issued by Governments. These are generated by computer.
Natural resources required A lot of paper (and hence indirectly trees) and metals (for coins) are needed for their creation. They do not need to use any such natural resources.

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