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What is Sharding in Ethereum?

Sharding is the process of distributing data across multiple computers in a database cluster to create a system that can self-manage and scale. This article focuses on discussing sharding in Ethereum. The following topics will be discussed here:

  1. What is Sharding?
  2. Features of Sharding
  3. Why Does Ethereum Need Sharding?
  4. When Will Sharding Go Live On Ethereum?
  5. Is Sharding Secure?
  6. Challenges To Sharding

Let’s discuss these topics in detail.

What is Sharding? 

Sharding involves identifying which parts of the database are too much for one computer to handle and which will be done best by using multiple computers. 

Features of Sharding

Why Does Ethereum Need Sharding?

The Ethereum network is processing a lot of transactions. In the future, Bitcoin will have to process around 10 million transactions per day to remain relevant. One of the solutions for Ethereum to cope with this is to use sharding.

Sharding could allow for significantly lower transaction fees and faster confirmation times in the future by splitting up the blockchain into multiple “shards” that are each capable of processing just one or two transactions per second, dramatically lowering the load on mainnet and freeing it up for more important tasks such as smart contract development.

When Will Sharding Go Live On Ethereum?

Is Sharding Secure?

⨀ Cross-shard attacks are a major threat, where a malicious actor could potentially target multiple shards and harm the overall network.

⨀ For this reason, security is a major priority for sharding development. There are multiple protocols being developed to ensure that transaction data cannot be accessed by undesired parties.

Potential Solutions to make Sharding secure:

⨀ The most common solution so far is the off-chain proposal. Most transactions are performed on a private chain, and only periodically “close” their state on the public Ethereum chain. This is primarily done via an update to Ethereum’s signature algorithm called zk-SNARKs which allows for transactions on a private chain without revealing their content.

⨀ Sharding via secret contracts is a new approach that improves upon current efforts and allows for sharding much more quickly.


⨀ This technology has the potential to transform businesses and major industries in order to make them more efficient by creating shared value networks that are accountable for their decisions. It also allows for arbitrage opportunities. The ability to quickly settle transactions between different parties in such networks leads to lower costs and higher profits for everyone involved as fewer intermediaries are required.

⨀ If one shared database was targeted by hackers, they would have to attack every single node in the network to get the data they wanted.

It’s the most famous and biggest concern in the Cryptocurrency community. The scalability problem is one that plagues many blockchain networks today. This challenge has given rise to new technologies such as sharding which have been proposed as a solution to solve this problem. Blockchain networks are secure yet very inefficient due to the high computation costs that have led people to call them “expensive” compared to centralized databases. With hundreds or even thousands of nodes that need to verify and confirm transactions, it is no surprise that scaling it will be costly, especially on emerging technology, which the blockchain currently is.

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