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Swadesh Darshan Scheme

In order to manage the nation’s production of theme-based tourism circuits in 2014–15, the Ministry of Tourism introduced the central sector Swadesh Darshan Scheme. The fundamental goal of this scheme is to depict the tourism industry as a significant force behind job creation, the inspiration behind economic growth, and the creator of synergies with other sectors to enable tourism to realise its potential. This scheme is meant to be implemented with other initiatives from the Indian government, including the Make in India, Skill India, and Swachh Bharat Abhiyan.

What is Swadesh Darshan Scheme?

The Objective of the Swadesh Darshan Scheme:

Swadesh Darshan–15 Theme-Based Circuits:

A tourist circuit is defined as a route with at least three significant tourist attractions that are separate from one another. Circuit entry and exit points ought to be clearly marked. A circuit may be limited to a State or it may be a regional circuit that includes many States or Union Territories. There are currently 15 theme-based circuits in all, including the following: Marine, North-East, Ramayana, Sufi, Mountain, Wildlife, Tirthankara, and Tribal are some of the major categories. Some of them are:

Significance of the Swadesh Darshan Scheme:

The Swadesh Darshan programme is intended to work in tandem with other initiatives like the Make in India initiative, Skill India, and the Swachh Bharat Abhiyan to position the tourism industry as:

Related Frequently Asked Questions and Answers:

Q1. What is Swadesh Darshan Scheme?

Ans. Swadesh Darshan Scheme is the Central sector scheme which was introduced in 2014–15 for the comprehensive development of theme-based tourist circuits. The government has launched this scheme in an effort to improve possibilities, enhance tourist experiences, and publicise lesser-known locations.

Q2. What are the objectives of the Swadesh Darshan Scheme?

Ans. Some of the objective of the Swadesh Darshan Scheme are:

Q3. What do you mean by tourist circuit?

Ans. A tourist circuit is defined as a route with at least three significant tourist attractions that are separate from one another. Circuit entry and exit points ought to be clearly marked. A circuit may be limited to a State or it may be a regional circuit that includes many States or Union Territories. There are currently 15 theme-based circuits

Q4. What is Ramayana Circuit?

Ans. The major goal of the development of the Ramayana Circuit is to enhance the locations connected to Lord Rama’s legends. The main state of attention is Uttar Pradesh.

Q5. What is the significance of the Swadesh Darshan Scheme?

Ans. The Swadesh Darshan programme is intended to work in tandem with other initiatives like the Make in India initiative, Skill India, and the Swachh Bharat Abhiyan to position the tourism industry as: 

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