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strings.ToValidUTF8() Function in Golang With Examples

strings.ToValidUTF8() Function in Golang is used to returns a copy of the string s with each run of invalid UTF-8 byte sequences replaced by the replacement string, which may be empty.


func ToValidUTF8(str, rep string) string

Here, str is string which may contain invalid UTF-8 and rep is the replacement string.

Return Value: It returns the replaced string.

Example 1:

// Golang program to show the usage
// of strings.ToValidUTF8() Function
package main
// importing fmt and strings
import (
// calling main method
func main() {
    // There is no invalid UTF-8 character
    // present, so the same string returned
    fmt.Print(strings.ToValidUTF8("This is GeeksForGeeks", " "))


This is GeeksForGeeks

Example 2:

// Golang program to show the usage
// of strings.ToValidUTF8() Function
package main
// importing fmt and strings
import (
// calling main method
func main() {
    // Invalid UTF-8 '\xc5' replaced by 'For'
    fmt.Print(strings.ToValidUTF8("Geeks\xc5Geeks", "For"))


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