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strings.LastIndexByte() Function in Golang With Examples

strings.LastIndexByte() Function in Golang returns the index of the last instance of the given byte in the original string. If the given byte is not available in the original string, then this method will return -1.


func LastIndexByte(str string, b byte) int

Here, str is the original string and b is a byte, whose we want to find the last index value.

Return Value: It returns the integer.

Example 1:

// Golang program to illustrate the
// strings.LastIndexByte() Function
package main
// importing fmt and strings
import (
// calling main method
func main() {
    // returns the last index of 'g' in string.
    fmt.Println(strings.LastIndexByte("geeksforgeeks", 'g'))
    // returns the last index of 'k' in string.
    fmt.Println(strings.LastIndexByte("geekgeekgeek", 'k'))



Example 2:

// Golang program to illustrate the
// strings.LastIndexByte() Function
package main
// importing fmt and strings
import (
// calling main method
func main() {
    // performs case-insensitive search(returns -1).
    fmt.Println(strings.LastIndexByte("GeeksForGeeks", 'g'))
    // performs case-insensitive search(returns -1).
    fmt.Println(strings.LastIndexByte("GeeKGeeKGeeK", 'k'))



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