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Steady State Model using MATLAB

A steady state model must be utilized to produce an underlying state when the model is begun from rest, an alleged “cold beginning.” On the off chance that a system is in a steady state, at that point the as of late watched conduct of the system will proceed into what’s to come. In systems, a system or a procedure is in a steady state if the factors (called state factors) which characterize the conduct of the system or the procedure are constant in time.

State Space Representation:

Arrange above in Matrix form

Code :

% Matrix of 3×3
A = [1 2 0; 0 1 1; 0 0 1] 
% Column of 3×1
B = [0; 1; 0] 
% Row of 1×3
C = [1 0 0] 
D = [5]
% Continuous time state space model
SYS = ss(A, B, C, D) 
% Continuous time transfer function
% Continuous time zero/pole/gain model

Output :

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