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Salesforce Interview Experience for Woman in Technology

Salesforce came to our campus in July 2023 to hire a summer intern and offer a full-time job to girls with CGPA requirements of 6.5 or higher in all branches.

After the resume was Shortlisted The selection process included only two rounds.The resume shortlisted students will receive the mail online test hackerRank.

Round 1:It was a coding test on the HackerRank platform. Three simple algorithmic questions were asked there that required the best knowledge of STL (for C++), DP, strings, and math. The test duration was 90 minutes.

1. First problem: take a Codeforce rating of almost 1600.
Now you get Baby Ehab's first words: "Given an integer n, find the longest subsequence of [1,2,…,n−1] whose product is 11 modulo n." Please solve the problem.A sequence b is a subsequence of an array a if b can be obtained from a by deleting some (possibly all) elements. The product of an empty subsequence is equal to 11.
The only line contains the integer n (2<=n<=105).
The first line should contain a single integer, the length of the longest subsequence.
The second line should contain the elements of the subsequence, in increasing order.
If there are multiple solutions, you can print any.
1 2 3
1 3 5 7
In the first example, the product of the elements is 66 which is congruent to 11 modulo 55. The only longer subsequence is [1,2,3,4][1,2,3,4]. Its product is 2424 which is congruent to 44 modulo 55. Hence, the answer is [1,2,3][1,2,3].

2. Minimum jumps from either end to reach the largest and smallest character in a given String.

3. Book allocation Problem:

The shortlisted students will receive the interview invites in batches from the company’s end

only 5 girls are selected for my college.

Round 2.

You are given a positive integer N. Your task is to find the smallest number whose factorial contains at least N trailing zeroes.
Example :
Let N = 1. The smallest number whose factorial contains at least 1 trailing zeroes is 5 as 5! = 120.
Input :
The very first line of input contains an integer ‘T’ denoting the number of test cases. The first line and only line of every test case contain an integer ‘N’ denoting the number of trailing zeros.
Output :
For each test case, the smallest number whose factorial contains at least N trailing zeroes is printed. Output for each test case is printed on a separate line.
Note :
You do not need to print anything, it has already been taken care of. Just return the answer.
Constraints :
1 <= T <= 10 0 <= N <= 10^8 Time Limit: 1 sec

I was incapable to provide satisfactory answers because the questions appeared difficult to me. As a result, I was eliminated from the second round.

Verdict: No I not ‘m selected and Salesforce selected 2/5 students from our college.

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