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Phaeophyceae – Overview, Characteristics, Importance, Examples

R.H. Whittaker categorized living things using the Five Kingdoms system. He divided living things into different categories according to their cellular makeup, mode of nourishment, bodily shape, reproductive ability, phylogenetic relationship, Protista, Planta, monera, and Animalia, and the fungi were the names of these five kingdoms.


Algae are primarily aquatic, having pigment- chlorophyll would be simple, thalloid and these creatures would be autotrophic in nature. They can be found in soils, damp stones, timber, and other environments. Few people establish relationships with lichen and animals. Vegetative, asexual, and sexual means of reproduction. Different kinds of spores, most frequently zoospores, are produced during asexual reproduction. Fragmentation is the method used in vegetative reproduction. Two gametes fuse together during sexual reproduction. These gametes can be similarly sized flagellated gametes, like Ulothrix, or they can be similarly sized non-flagellated (non-motile) gametes (as in Spirogyra). Isogamous reproduction is this type. Three major categories of algae are distinguished: Phyceae, Rhodophyceae, and Chlorophyceae



The class Phaeophyceae includes a group of algae known as brown algae. Their colour, which ranges from would be in the colour of dark or light brown to green which is olive, inspired their names. The majority of their habitats are maritime. The size and shape of the approximately a thousand five hundred species of Phaeophyceae vary widely. They have many cells, and the proportion of fucoxanthin to chlorophyll determines their color. They contain seaweeds, with Ectocarpus, Fucus, huge kelps, Sargassum, etc. as some famous examples.




The ability of algae to repair carbon makes them significant. As primary producers, they play a significant role in the aquatic food chain. Numerous animals can be found in kelp forests. Laminaria, sargassum, and other edible seaweeds are only a few examples.

Conceptual Question

Question 1: What is meant by soda ash?


Soda ash would be created by using kelp and this would play an essential role in glass manufacturing.

Question 2: Why is luminaria used in some medicine?


Iodine, a component required by the body to produce thyroid hormones, is present in luminaria. Additionally, potassium and iron are abundant in them. Luminaria is used as medicine by some despite major safety concerns.

Question 3: How does fucoxanthin act as coloring pigment?


By absorbing blue light and green light with a bandwidth of 450–540 nm, it gives algae a brownish–olive hue. Brown algae and the majority of other heterokonts have it as an additive pigment in their chloroplasts, which gives these a brown hue or the olive-green hue.

Question 4: Which chlorophyll is present?


Chlorophyll a and chlorophyll c would be present in the case of Phaeophyceae.

Question 5: Which would act as an osmoprotectant and why?


Mannitol is an Osmo protectant that is produced by a variety of plants and fungi. Mannitol is also a potent chelating agent of oxygen radicals (ROS). Mannitol is used by some phytopathogenic fungi to thwart ROS-mediated plant resistance.

Question 6: How does laminaria act as a laxative?


Luminaria is a variety of kelp. It might have antibacterial and antioxidant effects. Additionally, it has laxative properties. A dried bundle that has been compressed into a stick is known as a luminaria stick. A luminaria stick expands after being put into the vagina because it absorbs moisture. The cervix is gradually opened (dilated) by this.

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