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Fabaceae – Overview, Characteristics, Classification, Importance

Morphology is the study of phenotypes character or the exterior character with respect to other parts. Morphology of plants deals with the morphology of plants and we study different parts of plants. Fabaceae (pea family) is a huge group of angiosperms. It is otherwise called Leguminosae and the plants are generally known as vegetables. It is generally conveyed everywhere. It incorporates numerous significant heartbeats like peas, soybean, chickpeas, and so forth.


Kingdom – Plantae

Subkingdom– Tracheobionta

Class – Dicotyledons

Subclass – Polypetalous

Order – Leguminales

Family – Fabaceae

Floral Formula


% ⚥ K(5) C1+2+(2) A(9)+1 G1

Zygomorphic (two-sided evenness)
K(5) Calyx – 5 sepals, gamosepalous (joined together)
C1+2+(2) Corolla – 5 petals, polypetalous
A(9)+1 Androecium – 10 stamens, diadelphous
G1 Gynoecium – monocarpellary, predominant ovary

Characteristics of Fabaceae Family

Normal names – peas, legumes

This family was before called Papilionoideae, a subfamily of the Leguminosae family.

Vegetative Characters

Trees, bushes, herbs root with root nodulesStem: erect or climber leaves: substitute, pinnately compound or straightforward; leaf base, pulvinate; specify; venation reticulate.

Examples:- groundnut, soybean

Economic importance

Frequently Asked Questions

Question 1: Fabaceae was before known as?


Fabaceae was prior known as Papilionoideae. They are for the most part far-reaching all through the world and are a sub-group of the family Leguminosae. They are found for the most part as climbers yet some of the time can be even erect.

Question2: The gynoecium consists of many free pistils in flowers?


If more than one carpel is present in gynoecium this condition is called polycarpellary. If all the carpels in gynoecium are free, then this condition is called apocarpous. For example, Michelia.

Question 3: Vexillary aestivation is characteristic of the family?


The petals are overlapping (imbricate) in the bud with the posterior petal (called the banner or flag) outermost (i.e., exterior) in position. The two lowermost petals are joined together called the keel petals. The lateral petals are often called the wings. This arrangement of floral whorls is called vexillary aestivation. So, the correct answer is ‘Fabaceae‘.

Question 4: Phyllode is present in?


Phyllode is present in Australian Acacia. It is a modification of the leaf in which lamina is absent and the petiole becomes flattened and performs the function of food synthesis.

Question 5: Zygomorphic symmetry seen in?


When a flower can be divided into two similar halves only in one particular vertical plane, it is zygomorphic, e.g. pea, Gulmohar, bean, etc.

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