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Oracle Interview Experience for ASE (On-Campus)

Oracle visited my campus in August and was hiring for associate software developer role for CGBU and FBGBU units!

Round-1 Online Test:

The test was conducted on hackerrank platform. It consisted of 22 questions categorized as: 1 ques DSA (eas-medium type question) , 1 API question, 10 quants and verbal questions , 10 CS fundamental questions. They were to be solved in 90 minutes in total. No negative marking.

I solved all the questions and was selected for interview process!

This result came 24hrs before interview so there was a very short period of time to gather all the things, so better be prepared.

Out of 750+ students, 27 were selected for CGBU unit and 35 for FBGBU unit.

Interview Round-1:

Technical Interview

My interview was for the role of associate software developer in the CGBU unit.

I went to the interviewer and sat in front of her. She was reading my resume before hand and then she asked me to give a brief introduction about myself. While I just introduced myself and spoke about one of my project which was on Spotify, she interupted and we discussed the entire project for about 10 minutes. She then gave me a sheet of paper and asked me code for “Longest palindromic Subsequence“, I coded it and she asked me to dry run it for 1 case. She was satisfied with the approach, then she asked me to code for another question:” A file contains a lot words for eg noon, moon, aditi , abababa, hello etc, I had to find the longest palindrome in the file and return its length”. Third Questions asked was to write code for “Merge two sorted linked lists and if the value of 1st node of both linked lists was same I must return the head of 1st linked list”. Then she asked me some OOPs question: difference bw call by value and call by reference, polymorphism and its types with an example each, multiple inheritance and its example, virtual memory , what are classes and objects and a few other questions. Then she asked me to write 2 SQL queries. Then she asked me 2 puzzle questions, both of them from GFG itself. Infact every company asks puzzles from gfg itself, so just prepare these.
Finally she asked me to code and explain 4 sorting techniques-bubble,insertion,selection and merge sort!! She asked me if I had any questions so I asked what are the tech stacks that I ll be working on if selected for the job role. She answered it well.
It was very long and finally she said I can go now.

I was waiting for the further process and got into 2nd round of interview

2nd interview :Technical interview

It started with a very big smile as the interviewer was really a nice person and made sure I was comfortable. He asked me if I wanted to have tea,but I refused 🙂
Then it started with my introduction and he said he already interviewed another person who had same project as mine(it was a team project and 4 of my team members were giving interviews with me), It was a patented project but he did not discuss that with me ,so we discussed another one in really deep. He asked some networking questions and then aksed me to write a code for another question:”given an array like 1,3,4,7,9,5 and distance between 2 numbers was their subraction like distance between 3 and 4 is 1, 4 and 5 is 1 like that. So I was asked to print the minimum distance and all the pairs that contributed to that minimum distance”. He then asked me some OS questions- Multithreading, Scheduling techniques, a code to write on semaphores so I wrote it on the producer/consumer problem and dining philosophers’ problem. Then he asked my about queues and its real life application in general and in software applications as well. We discussed all my projects and my previous intern experiences. he seemed quite happy with the answers. He then asked me a problem and asked to design a solution to it with wireframing and prototypes as I used this in my 2 projects. Finally he aksed me 1 SQL query and asked If I had any question. I aksed him about his job responsibilities and how is work at Oracle. He answered it really well and I was really happy because he made me really comfortable with his smile everytime. Enjoyed this conversation!

After 7-10 minutes I recieved a call for HR round. In my unit 12 students were selected for HR round
I kept waiting for another 2 hrs .It was 7:30 pm till then and 3 people were left for interview, and all of a sudden they said to me you can leave, we will not be able to take your interview now!! 🙁 Maybe they were out of time or something. They gave me no reason !! Students who got call for HR round after me , had their 3rd round before me. Everyone was called randomly as he got the resumes in hand!

It shattered me from within and I was unable to utter even a single word and I had to leave

But I can share my friends’ HR interview experience:

This was not the regular HR round where behavioural questions are asked, it was more of a technical round. Asked about family background, discussed projects and its tech stack , asked questions on computer networks and discussed some tech stacks that oracle used and explained them really well. Out of remaining people, 5 were selected and 2 were put in waiting list!!

It was a good learning that no matter what you do , you can never change the “Fault in your stars!!”

I hope this was helpful to you all, make sure you do OOPs, OS by heart and in depth!

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