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Oracle CGBU (Communications Global Business Unit) Interview Experience (On-Campus)

Oracle visited our campus in the July-August Phase. They allow a large number of students to take their Online Assessments. CGPA Filtration may be used further down the process. If you would like a more comprehensive review with tips, solutions, and comments – Access the full article on Medium.

Student Shortlist Criteria:

Preliminary Filtration Round

This round comprised an you choose with four distinct sections:

Round 1 – Technical Interview – 45 min

Round 2 – Technical Interview – 1hr 15min

Given an array of 7 elements (assuming this is the RAM), write a program/algorithm to:

Round 3 – Technical & HR Interview


  1. Do not panic. Build a solution involving the interview. Use Pen and Paper as much as you can.
  2. Ask for Help. I had asked for clues in both Rounds 1 and 2. Build the conversation.
  3. The interview process depends on the interviewer you get. Yet, the above statements are valid. The versatility is where the type of questions asked change a lot on this basis. Some get questions asked only on DSA, while some spend time on other CS Courses.

Remember, the goal is to showcase your problem-solving skills, adaptability, and willingness to learn.

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