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Opera One: Opera’s Latest AI Launch Will Change the Way You Surf the Web!

Opera One, a revised version of the Opera browser comes with a reimagined design and an integrated AI-powered chatbot called Aria on the browser’s sidebar.

In this artificial technology-driven world where almost every big or small tech company is integrating AI chatbots similar to OpenAI’s ChatGPT into their services, Opera has also jumped onto the bandwagon. Opera recently introduced an all-new version of the browser called Opera One that’s built from the start especially to integrate the browser’s native AI chatbot called Aria within the browser. The AI assistant will be providing top-level generative AI services to the users, for FREE!

“Get ready to meet Aria, the new AI powerhouse right inside your Opera One browser. Aria is our brand-new browser AI that’s right at the heart of Opera One. It’s our way of giving you free access to a leading GPT-based solution and the most up-to-date information from the web.”

The AI assistant is powered by Opera’s very own AI Composer engine and is built in collaboration with OpenAI’s GPT model. The users will be able to access OpenAI’s GPT services for free through Aria on the Opera One browser. Even though the browser comes with an integrated AI chatbot, you still get the option to decide if you want to use Aria’s services or not.

For using the new browser and accessing AI-assistant Aria, users will need to first sign up or log in with their Opera account and then click on the Aria icon that’s available on the left side of the browser’s sidebar.

Opera’s AI-integrated browser is quite similar to Microsoft Edge, integrated with Bing chatbot, but also comes with some unique features like a command line and tab islands. The tab islands feature automatically puts the tabs similar to each other based on the contextual information available.

It also lets you highlight the text directly on the webpage and use Aria’s features to explain, translate or search for similar topics related to the highlighted text 

The company in their blog post also mentioned that the chatbot also provides excellent customer support services to the users since “it knows Opera’s entire support documentation library like the back of its hand and uses this knowledge to respond to your questions.”

Although Aria is an impressive chatbot, it still lacks some of the functionalities like image generation capabilities and quickly selecting the conversation style. There are also no one-click features to select the length, format, and tone of the responses to be generated, rather you’ll have to request for all these manually.

Opera has brought this new AI-powered browser to ease the tasks for the users and give them unrestrained access to generative AI capabilities. Improvement updates and the addition of new and advanced features within the browser and AI tool are expected in the coming future to enhance the performance.

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