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Microsoft Interview | Set 6

I am a guy from CSE dept, IIT-BHU and currently in 4th year.  I am placed in microsoft now and all the credit goes to geeksforgeeks for sharpening and improving my coding skills. Thanks a lot guys for such a wonderful site.  Below is my interview experience, if its of any help to my fellow job seekers.

Written Round 1 :
50 multiple choice questions in 60 mins time. Had 2 sections – Aptitude and Programming Ability.

Written Round 2 : 3 coding questions in 1 hour.

  1. Swap every consecutive odd and even positioned bit in a number.
    Ex:- 10101011010101 = 01010111101010
  2. Given a binary search tree . Convert it into a doubly linked list in place (no extra space) such that prev points to left child and next points to right child.
  3. Given a linked list that contains 0,1 and 2 . Sort this linked such that it contains 0s first, then 1s and then 2s in O(n) time.
    Ex:- 2->2->1->0->0->2->1->1->0 = 0->0->0->1->1->1-2->2->2

PI round 1 (Technical):

  1. About urself, most challenging project of all you have done and about ur internship.
  2. Remove from string s1, all the characters that are present in string s2.
    S1=”abcde” s2=”xyazbx” Ans. S1= ”cde”
  3. Reverse alternate k nodes in an linked list.
    Ex:- 1->2->3->4->5->6->7->8 if k=2; then return 2->1->3->4->6->5->7->8
  4. Always ask some questions to the interviewer at the end. That’s a good gesture.

    Write test cases for the programs above and see if ur program covers all the test cases or not.

PI round 2 (Program manager)

  1. Design a tic-tac-toe game for multiplayer on a smartphone.
  2. Design a vending machine for blind and deaf.

PI round 3 (Technical)

  1. Add numbers from 1 to n^2 into a n X n matrix spirally.
    1 2 3 4 5
    16 17 18 19 6
    15 24 25 20 7
    14 23 22 21 8
    13 12 11 10 9
  2. Remove duplicates from a string in place. Ex-microsoft -> microsft
  3. Some question on recursive functions using memoization technique for optimization.

PI round 4 (Testing)

  1. 1. Given a func :: int *strcmp(char *s1,char *s2);
    Write test cases to check functionality and security issues and even automate the
    generation of test cases.
  2. 2. Given a func :: int typeOfTriangle(int side1,int side2,int side3); (func gives a number for the type of triangle)
    Write test cases to check functionality and security issues and even automate the generation of test cases.
  3. 3. WAP to reverse words in a sentence.
    I am a good boy -> boy good a am i
  4. 4. WAP to get the next higher palindrome of a given number.
    123 -> 131 1232 -> 1331
  5. PS – Functional issues are test cases that check the functionality of the program and Security issues are the ones where the program may crash.

PI round 5 (Technical)

  1. WAP to check if a binary tree is a BST or not.
  2. WAP to find Least Common Ancestor of two nodes in a BST.
  3. Reverse every two nodes in a linked iteratively and recursively.

PS- Whenever u write a program be sure to cover all the corner cases and write it in a proper indented way. As interviewers ask to write testcases for the program u have written and then check if ur program covers all the test cases.

All the best fellas !!!


Many Many congratulations to Pritam Kumar Das.

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