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Microsoft Interview Experience | Set 149 (On Campus)

Round 1:

It was on CoCubes Platform.

There are the following rounds for Microsoft –

However, on some Campuses, there are only Coding Round which has 3 Questions to be solved in 75 mins.

or if Aptitude rounds are also there in Campus then

Round 2:

1.Given 3 sorted arrays we have to find the minimum absolute difference between the min and max among the 3 elements from the arrays

2. Add 1 to a linked list this is a quite easy question.

Round 3:

It was technical cum HR interview.

Firstly I have to tell all my previous problem then he gave me the problem similar to coin exchange problem.
Then some questions are asked about Where do you grow? In which field do you want yourself to grow? And finally the Microsoft products you are using like visual studio and then he gave a brief introduction to various fields in the organization.

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