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MERN Stack vs Java Full Stack

A website is a collection of various web pages made by the most popular technologies, like HTML, CSS, and JavaScript, along with other front-end and back-end technologies. A website contains primarily three sides: a client side, a server side, and a database.

When it comes to the three sides of a website complete together, it is called a stack. In current scenarios, MERN Stack and Java Stack are the most popular stacks for making all three sides of the website. In this article, we will get to know about the comparison of MERN Stack and Java Full Stack in various aspects. Let’s dive in!

What to Choose?

The decision to learn the MERN stack or Java stack depends on individual aspects, enthusiasm, and most importantly, market demand. Both the Stacks have good demand in the job market. Both MERN and Java full-stack have good career options and opportunities.

What is the MERN Stack?

MERN Stack is a combination of technologies like MongoDB, ExpressJS, ReactJS, and NodeJS that work together to make a complete website. It is used by most of the developers worldwide. The MERN Stack is very useful; if someone knows JavaScript, the backend, frontend, and database of a website will be easily created or managed by the MERN technologies. Also, MERN Stack is a preferred choice for developers seeking an efficient, full-stack development framework.

Learn MERN Full Stack Web Development: MongoDB, Express.js, React.js, Node.js. Build dynamic web apps, create APIs, and deploy projects. Enroll for expert guidance and career support!

Advantages of MERN Stack

What is the Java Stack?

Java Stack is a combination of software development techniques that involves using the Java programming language as a base for both the front-end and back-end parts of a web application. In this stack, Java is used to create both the parts of a website that you see and interact with in the UI and the parts that work behind the scenes to store data, process requests, and make the website function properly. This includes technologies like Java, SpringBoot, and Hibernate, and databases such as MySQL and PostgreSQL, along with essential front-end technologies like HTML, CSS, and JavaScript.

Dependency Tools

Advantages of the Java Full Stack

MERN Stack vs Java Full Stack

Key Points

MERN Stack

Java Full Stack


Easy to use because NodeJS provides a better run time environment for real-time web applications.

Java provides better performance and memory management. Java’s enterprise frameworks like Spring Boot can optimize performance.

Tools & Technologies

MongoDB, ExpressJS, ReactJS, NodeJS

Java, SpringBoot, Hibernate, SQL, or MySQL(databases)

Common Language

JavaScript for both Front-end and Back-end

Java for the back end and JavaScript for the front end.


Scalable and most demand in the market

Used for large enterprise-level Web applications for Java’s robustness and scalability.

Community Support

MERN has a large and active community of developers with many open source Libraries & Frameworks.

It also has a wide community of developers and frameworks like SpringBoot and Hibernate.


Deployment and Hosting of the Website will be easy

Deployment and Hosting will be more complex than MERN Stack.

Learning Curve

Provides better documentation and is easy to learn.

It is a steeper learning curve.

Use Cases

Used for developing Real-time Web applications. Mostly used by start-ups and small-scale businesses.

Used by large enterprises where scalability is needed.

Job Market

The high demand in the Job market for MERN stack will be increasing day by day as small enterprises & start-ups commonly use it. Java Full Stack will be used in the industry by large-scale companies. Big tech giants which have large and complex databases highly use this stack.

Use Cases

MERN Stack

Java Full Stack


Both Java full stack and MERN have their merits, and their demand can vary based on industry, location, and specific project requirements. Java full-stack developers are likely to remain in demand, especially in established enterprises, but MERN stack is gaining prominence, particularly in more agile and startup environments.

If you’re new to programming, MERN might be more accessible due to its JavaScript focus. However, if you’re comfortable with Java or have a particular interest in backend development, Java Full Stack can also be a solid choice. Ultimately, gaining practical experience through projects and internships can have a significant impact on your career prospects, regardless of the path you choose.

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