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Mercedes Benz R&D Interview Experience for Graduate Engineer Trainee | On-Campus 2021

Branch: B.E. ECE

MBRDI visited our campus for a (GET)Graduate Trainee Engineer profile. We had to choose between Mercedes Benz and Daimler. The first selection was based on a written test with 40 MCQ’s, no coding questions. 151 students cleared the written round while 40 students(27 from CSE and 13 from ECE) got finally placed. Below is my interview experience.

4 rounds were conducted, including an online test(MCQs) followed by technical, managerial, and HR interviews respectively.

The pre-Placement talk was conducted just before round 1 on 15th September 2021.  

Round 1(Online Test, 15th September 2021):  MCQs for aptitude, technical. 

Round 2 (Technical Round, 17th September 2021): Based on the basics. A short introduction followed by the questions. The interview went on for 40 minutes approximately.

  1. Difference between class and methods. The use of a class.
  2. The difference between a while loop and a do-while loop.
  3. Define encapsulation with an example.
  4. Few basic questions related to KCL and KVL. Finding the voltage drop across a resistor in a linear circuit.
  5. The maximum number of devices that could connect via Bluetooth, followed by the Bluetooth encryption algorithm(Question-related to my project).
  6. Differnce between OOP and POP.
  7. Difference between a petrol and a diesel engine, followed by a scenario about what would happen if a diesel engine is filled with petrol and vice versa.
  8. Write a program to reverse a linked list(in notepad – the pseudo-code). In any preferable language, which in my case was C++.

Round 3(Managerial Round, 17th September 2021): Duration- 30 minutes. The Manager started with an introduction. Then asked me about one of the three projects I had on my resume.

  1. Why ECE?
  2. If you are from ECE then why do you have all CSE subjects and projects in your resume(here I told him about my passion for CSE and that I could not get CSE but I still followed my passion and balanced my core along with studying CSE subjects).
  3. Questions about Gitbash and Git functions – namely he asked about how to download and upload a repository(code). I had written Git and GitHub in my resume. So, this was mainly a resume-based question.
  4. Explain your project. He pointed out a particular project out of the 3 I had in my resume.  The technologies used in the project and the future aspects and possible improvements of the same.
  5. Since I had mentioned about giving JEE Exam twice, the manager decided to ask me a Physics question. He gave me a velocity-time graph and asked me to plot the displacement-time graph and the acceleration-time graph. I made the displacement-time graph accurately in the first go whereas my two attempts for the acceleration-time graph were slightly wrong so the interviewer gave me hint and then I made the graph right.

Then in the end I asked him to give me feedback about me and the interview ended.

Round 4(HR Round, 17th September 2021): Duration – 15 min

  1. Give a short introduction.
  2. How many interviews have you attended till now?
  3. What are your short-term and long-term goals?
  4. How were your previous rounds?
  5. Why Mercedes-Benz?

It was a short questioning session. After these questions, he explained the job role to me i.e. what will I be exactly doing  


Then I asked him about my feedback and the interview ended in about 10 to 15 minutes.

Result – 

The final result came out about 4 days past the interview process. A total of 40 students got placed from my college

(27 from CSE and 13 from ECE) and I am lucky to share that I was one of them.

Tips –  

  1. Be clear with the basics.
  2. Have your resume precise and short. Don’t add things that you are not completely confident about.
  3. Even if you don’t know an answer just stay calm and confident and tell the interviewer that you don’t know instead of faking things.

Best of luck.

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