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Mediator Method – Python Design Pattern

Mediator Method is a Behavioral Design Pattern that allows us to reduce the unordered dependencies between the objects. In a mediator environment, objects take the help of mediator objects to communicate with each other. It reduces coupling by reducing the dependencies between communicating objects. The mediator works as a router between objects and it can have it’s own logic to provide a way of communication.

Design Components:

Problem Without using Mediator Method

Imagine you are going to take admission in one of the elite courses offered by GeeksforGeeks such as DSA, SDE, and STL. Initially, there are very few students who are approaching to join these courses. Initially, the developer can create separate objects and classes for the connection between the students and the courses but as the courses become famous among students it becomes hard for developers to handle such a huge number of sub-classes and their objects.


Solution using Mediator Method

Now let us understand how a pro developer will handle such a situation using the Mediator design pattern. We can create a separate mediator class named as Course and a User Class using which we can create different objects of Course class. In the main method, we will create a separate object for each student and inside the User class, we will create the object for Course class which helps in preventing the unordered code.


class Course(object):
    """Mediator class."""
    def displayCourse(self, user, course_name):
        print("[{}'s course ]: {}".format(user, course_name))
class User(object):
    '''A class whose instances want to interact with each other.'''
    def __init__(self, name): = name
        self.course = Course()
    def sendCourse(self, course_name):
        self.course.displayCourse(self, course_name)
    def __str__(self):
"""main method"""
if __name__ == "__main__":
    mayank = User('Mayank')   # user object
    lakshya = User('Lakshya') # user object
    krishna = User('Krishna') # user object
    mayank.sendCourse("Data Structures and Algorithms")
    lakshya.sendCourse("Software Development Engineer")
    krishna.sendCourse("Standard Template Library")

UML Diagram

Following is the UML Diagram for Mediator Method:





Further Read – Mediator Method in Java

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