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Visitor Method – Python Design Patterns

Visitor Method is a Behavioral Design Pattern which allows us to separate the algorithm from an object structure on which it operates. It helps us to add new features to an existing class hierarchy dynamically without changing it. All the behavioral patterns proved as the best methods to handle the communication between the objects. Similarly, it is used when we have to perform an operation on a group of similar kinds of objects.
A Visitor Method consists of two parts: 


Design Components


Problem without using Visitor Method

Imagine you are handling the Software management of GeeksforGeeks and they have started certain courses such as DSA, SDE, and STL which are definitely useful for students who are preparing for the product based companies. But how will you handle all the data of Courses, Instructors, students, classes, IDs in your database? If you go with a simple direct approach to handle such a situation, you will definitely end up with a mess only.



Solution using Visitor Method

Let’s look at the solution to the above-described problem. The Visitor method suggests adding a new behavior in a separate class called Visitor class instead of mixing it with the already existing classes. We will pass the original object to the visitor’s method as parameters such that the method will access all the necessary information.

""" The Courses hierarchy cannot be changed to add new
   functionality dynamically. Abstract Crop class for
 Concrete Courses_At_GFG classes: methods defined in this class
 will be inherited by all Concrete Courses_At_GFG classes."""
class Courses_At_GFG:
    def accept(self, visitor):
    def teaching(self, visitor):
        print(self, "Taught by ", visitor)
    def studying(self, visitor):
        print(self, "studied by ", visitor)
    def __str__(self):
        return self.__class__.__name__
"""Concrete Courses_At_GFG class: Classes being visited."""
class SDE(Courses_At_GFG): pass
class STL(Courses_At_GFG): pass
class DSA(Courses_At_GFG): pass
""" Abstract Visitor class for Concrete Visitor classes:
 method defined in this class will be inherited by all
 Concrete Visitor classes."""
class Visitor:
    def __str__(self):
        return self.__class__.__name__
""" Concrete Visitors: Classes visiting Concrete Course objects.
 These classes have a visit() method which is called by the
 accept() method of the Concrete Course_At_GFG classes."""
class Instructor(Visitor):
    def visit(self, crop):
class Student(Visitor):
    def visit(self, crop):
"""creating objects for concrete classes"""
sde = SDE()
stl = STL()
dsa = DSA()
"""Creating Visitors"""
instructor = Instructor()
student = Student()
"""Visitors visiting courses"""


SDE Taught by  Instructor
SDE studied by  Student
STL Taught by  Instructor
STL studied by  Student
DSA Taught by  Instructor
DSA studied by  Student

UML Diagram

Following is the UML diagram for Visitor Method





Further Read – Visitor Method in C++

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