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LinkedIn Interview Experience for Staff Software Engineer 2020

Status: Working in SFO as a Senior Staff/Principal Software Engineer.

Position: Staff Software Engineer.

Location: California.

Phone Interviews: Background/Staff Interview: (60 mins)

Technical Phone Screen: (60 mins)

5 mins – Quick intro on interviewer

  1. Question #1: In Reverse Polish Notation, calculate the value of an arithmetic expression.[]
  2. Question #2: check for pair in a given array with sum as the given target. []

Follow up: same question is asked for three elements of the array sum.[just talk no implementation].


Onsite Interviews:

Host Manger Round: (60 mins)

Explained about his role. and asked some questions:

Coding + Algorithm: (60 mins)

  1. Minimum sum of product of two arrays. [].
  2. Print leaf nodes of a Binary Tree. []

Lunch Interview Round: (60 mins)

Feedback is recorded here.

Staff Craftsmanship: (60 mins)

Some questions were focused on:



Recruiter called after 2 days and said I was selected for the staff software engineer.

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