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Athena Health Interview Experience for Associate Member of Technical Staff 2021 (Virtual)

4 Rounds in total:

Round 1:(Coding & MCQ) TIME: 90 Mins

10 MCQ’s and 2 easy level coding questions.

  1. Given an encrypted string s and an integer k, decrypt each character of the string by finding the kth character behind it. Eg: str=kumar & k=3 then ans=hrjxo
  2. Given 2 arrays: availabletime of size n, processtime of size 4*n. At particular time that is in available time array, it can process 4 elements of processtime array simultaneously and time to finish a work is availabletime[i]+processtime[j]. Find the minimum time to find all the given works by assigning every availabletime to 4 processtime.

52 students were shortlisted after this round.

Round-2: (Technical Round) TIME: 45 Mins

Then he asked for 2 puzzles.

  1. Time to climb 30 feet wall puzzle
  2. Why manhole is round

After 1hr I got mail for the next round.

Round 3:(Managerial Round) TIME: 30 Mins

My solution:

Unfortunately, I was not shortlisted for the HR round

Atlast 5 students were shortlisted as FTE.

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