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How to Install DataGrip in Linux

DataGrip is a database platform that supports several engines. MySQL, PostgreSQL, MS SQL Server, Oracle, Sybase, DB2, SQLite, HyperSQL, Apache Derby, and H2 are among the databases it supports. It comes with an editor that contains features like auto-completion, analysis, and navigation to help you modify SQL code.

Installation of Ubuntu Umake

On Ubuntu 20.04 LTS, you can easily install DataGrip IDE with Ubuntu Make. Ubuntu Make may be found in the official Ubuntu 20.04 LTS package repository.

Step 1: First, do the following steps to refresh the APT package repository cache:

sudo apt update


Step 2: Now use the following command to install Ubuntu Make:

sudo snap install ubuntu-make --classic


Make should be installed on Ubuntu.

Step 3: To see if the umake command is available, use the following command:

 umake --version


DataGrip Installation

Step 1: Using the umake command, you can quickly install DataGrip:

umake ide DataGrip


Step 2: DataGrip IDE is installed by default in the  $HOME/.local/umake/ide/DataGrip directory. You have the option to update it if you so choose. However, the default route is sufficient. You are not obligated to update it.

Press Enter when you’re finished.


Step3: DataGrip should be downloaded from the internet by Ubuntu Make.

DataGrip should be installed at this time.


Step 4: Add the following permissions to the DataGrip desktop file:

chmod +x ~/.local/share/applications/jetbrains-DataGrip.desktop


Step 5: Finally, restart your computer to apply the modifications.

sudo reboot


Step 6: DataGrip is available from the Ubuntu 20.04 LTS Application Menu when your machine has booted up.


Now, we have successfully installed the DataGrip Application on our Ubuntu operating system.


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