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How to Install Chromium Web Browser on Manjaro

Chromium is a free, open-source cross-platform web browser developed and maintained by Google Corporation. It is an open-source version of the Chrome browser and the basis for Brave and Edge. It is primarily written in C++ programming language and was first released in 2008 under the BSD-3 license. Among the operating systems supported by the app are Android, iOS, macOS, Windows, and Linux. This article will discuss how to install the Chromium browser on Arch-based Linux Distributions.

Installing Chromium on Manjaro Linux

Chromium can be installed on Manjaro Linux using 2 different methods:

So, let’s go through both the installation methods.

Method 1: From Pacman

Step 1: Update and upgrade your system by running

$ sudo pacman -Syu




Step 2: Now, install chromium from the arch repository using Pacman package manager.

$ sudo pacman -S chromium


Step 3: Verify the installation by checking the build version.

$ chromium --version


Method 2: From Snap Store

Step 1: Install snap from the official Arch repositories

$ sudo pacman -S snapd



Step 2: Enable snap by using the systemctl command

$ sudo systemctl enable --now snapd.socket


Step 3: Create a symbolic link between /var/lib/snapd/snap and /snap to enable classic support

$ sudo ln -s /var/lib/snapd/snap /snap


Step 4:  Check that Snap is enabled on your machine and working properly.

$ snap version


Step 5:  Finally, install the Chromium web browser by running

$ sudo snap install chromium


Step 6: Verify the installation by checking the build version.

$ chromium --version


Using Chromium on Manjaro Linux

Step 1: Search “Chromium” in the application manager to launch the application.


Step 2: Click on the Chromium application’s icon to launch.


Step 3: Explore various features of Chromium.


Uninstallation of Chromium

To uninstall Chromium completely from your device, run the below command in the terminal:

$ sudo pacman -Rncs chromium


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