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How to Get a Comma Separated String From an Array in C#?

Given an array, now our task is to get a comma-separated string from the given array. So we can do this task using String.Join() method. This method concatenates the items of an array with the help of a comma separator between each item of the array.


String.Join(",", array_name)

Where array_name is the input array.


Input: {"sireesha", "priyank", "ojaswi", "gnanesh"}
Output: sireesha,priyank,ojaswi,gnanesh

Input: {"sireesha", "priyank"}
Output: sireesha,priyank

Approach 1:

String.Join(",", names)


// C# program to display the comma separated
// string from an array
using System;
class GFG{
public static void Main()
    // Creating an array of string elements
    String[] names = { "sireesha", "priyank",
                       "ojaswi", "gnanesh" };
    // Join the elements separated by comma
    // Using Join() method
    var str1 = String.Join(",", names);
    // Display the final string



Approach 2:

We can also find the command-separated string from the object array.

String.Join(",", e.Select(m => m.First_Name));

Here, we only join the first name so we use the select method to select the First_Name of the employees.

Example 2:

// C# program to display the comma separated
// string from an array
using System;
using System.Linq;
// MyEmployee class
class MyEmployee
    public string First_Name { get; set; }
    public string Last_Name { get; set; }
class GFG{
public static void Main()
    // Creating object array of MyEmployee
    MyEmployee[] e = {
        new MyEmployee(){ First_Name = "Sumi", Last_Name = "Goyal" },
        new MyEmployee(){ First_Name = "Mohan", Last_Name = "Priya" },
        new MyEmployee(){ First_Name = "Sumit", Last_Name = "Singh" }
    // Join the elements separated by comma
    // Using Join() method
    var res = String.Join(",", e.Select(m => m.First_Name));
    // Display the final result
    Console.WriteLine("Final String:" + res);


Final String:Sumi,Mohan,Sumit

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