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How to Get the String that Represents ValueTuple Instance in C#?

ValueTuple is a structure introduced in C# 7.0 which represents the value type Tuple. It allows you to store a data set that contains multiple values that may or may not be related to each other. You can also get a string that represents the object of ValueTuple, with the help of the ToString Method. This method returns a string that will represent the ValueTuple object. The string represented by this method is in the form of ().


public override string ToString ();

Return Type: The return type of this method is System.String. So, it will return a string that represents the ValueTuple object.

Example 1:

// C# program to illustrate 
// the use of ToString method
using System;
namespace exampleofvaluetuple {
class GFG {
    // Main Method
    static void Main(string[] args)
        // 1-ValueTuple
        var v1 = ("Rina");
        // Get the value of ValueTuple<T1>
        // With the help of ToString method
        Console.WriteLine("ValueTuple 1: " + v1.ToString());
        // 2-ValueTuple
        var v2 = ("Rohan", 25);
        // Get the value of ValueTuple<T1, T2>
        // With the help of ToString method
        Console.WriteLine("ValueTuple 2: " + v2.ToString());
        // 3-ValueTuple
        var v3 = ("Rima", 22, 2016);
        // Get the value of ValueTuple<T1, T2, T3>
        // With the help of ToString method
        Console.WriteLine("ValueTuple 3: " + v3.ToString());
        // 4-ValueTuple
        var v4 = ("Mohit", 28, 2014, "Junior Engineer");
        // Get the value of ValueTuple<T1, T2, T3, T4>
        // With the help of ToString method
        Console.WriteLine("ValueTuple 4: " + v4.ToString());
        // 5-ValueTuple
        var v5 = ("Rohit", 32, 2010, "CSE", "Junior Engineer");
        // Get the value of ValueTuple<T1, T2, T3, T4, T5>
        // With the help of ToString method
        Console.WriteLine("ValueTuple 5: " + v5.ToString());
        // 6-ValueTuple
        var v6 = ("Sunita", 25, 2015, "ECE",
                    "Junior Engineer", 102);
        // Get the value of ValueTuple<T1, T2,
        // T3, T4, T5, T6>
        // With the help of ToString method
        Console.WriteLine("ValueTuple 6: " + v6.ToString());
        // 7-ValueTuple
        var v7 = ("Sonu", 22, 2016, "CSE"
        "Junior Engineer", 104, "C++");
        // Get the value of ValueTuple<T1, T2,
        // T3, T4, T5, T6, T7>
        // With the help of ToString method
        Console.WriteLine("ValueTuple 7: " + v7.ToString());
        // 8-ValueTuple
        var v8 = ("Susmita", 28, 2014, "Junior Engineer",
                109, "Java", ValueTuple.Create("Cricket"
                            "Football", "Volleyball"));
        // Get the value of ValueTuple<T1, T2, T3,
        // T4, T5, T6, T7, TRest>
        // With the help of ToString method
        Console.WriteLine("ValueTuple 8: " + v8.ToString());


ValueTuple 1: Rina
ValueTuple 2: (Rohan, 25)
ValueTuple 3: (Rima, 22, 2016)
ValueTuple 4: (Mohit, 28, 2014, Junior Engineer)
ValueTuple 5: (Rohit, 32, 2010, CSE, Junior Engineer)
ValueTuple 6: (Sunita, 25, 2015, ECE, Junior Engineer, 102)
ValueTuple 7: (Sonu, 22, 2016, CSE, Junior Engineer, 104, C++)
ValueTuple 8: (Susmita, 28, 2014, Junior Engineer, 109, Java, (Cricket, Football, Volleyball))

Example 2:

// C# program to illustrate 
// the use of ToString method
using System;
namespace exampleofvaluetuple {
class GFG {
    // Main Method
    static void Main(string[] args)
        // Nested Value Tuples
        var Emp1 = (Name: "Anu", Age : 23, 
          Languages: ValueTuple.Create("C++",
                    "Java", "Python", "C#"));
        var Emp2 = (Name: "Boond", Age : 27, Post: "Junior Engineer",
                        Languages: ValueTuple.Create("C++", "Java"));
        var Emp3 = (Name: "Rohit", Age : 25, Post: "HR",
                     Languages: ValueTuple.Create("C++"
                                         "Java", "C#"));
        var Emp4 = (Name: "Mohan", Age : 26, Post: "Junior Engineer",
              Languages: ValueTuple.Create("C++", "Java", "Python"));
        // Get the value of Nested ValueTuples
        // With the help of ToString method
        Console.WriteLine("NValueTuple 1: {0}", Emp1.ToString());
        Console.WriteLine("NValueTuple 2: {0}", Emp2.ToString());
        Console.WriteLine("NValueTuple 3: {0}", Emp3.ToString());
        Console.WriteLine("NValueTuple 4: {0}", Emp4.ToString());

NValueTuple 1: (Anu, 23, (C++, Java, Python, C#))
NValueTuple 2: (Boond, 27, Junior Engineer, (C++, Java))
NValueTuple 3: (Rohit, 25, HR, (C++, Java, C#))
NValueTuple 4: (Mohan, 26, Junior Engineer, (C++, Java, Python))

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