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Hibernate – Lazy Collection

Hibernate is a powerful open-source framework for Java that provides an object-relational mapping solution. It simplifies the process of working with databases which allow developers to map Java objects with the data present in the database tables. Hibernate handles the data persistence which allows developers to focus more on object-oriented aspects rather than focusing on low-level database operations. 

What is the Lazy Collection in Hibernate? 

In Hibernate, Lazy Collection refers to a collection of entities that are not being loaded from the database until they are explicitly needed. Hibernate uses lazy loading for collections to optimize performance and reduce memory consumption. Lazy loading is a principle of on-demand fetching of data where the associated entities are being loaded from the database only when they are necessary. This behavior prevents Hibernate to avoid fetching unnecessary data when dealing with large collections or complex object graphs. 

Example of Lazy Collection

Example 1:

package com.example.java_test_application;
// on the below line we are creating 
// an entity class named as employee
public class Employee {
   // on the below line we are 
   // creating a long for employee id.
   private Long empId;
   // on the below line we are creating
   // a column name as employee name
   @Column(name = "empName")
   private String empName;
   // on the below line we are using one to many 
   // annotation to map employee with their tasks.
   @OneToMany(mappedBy = "employee", fetch = FetchType.LAZY)
   // on the below line we are creating
   // a list of the tasks of the employee.
   private List<Tasks> tasks;

In the above example tasks property is a list of task entities. mappedBy attribute is used for one-to-many annotation which tells Hibernate that task property is the inverse side of one-to-many relationships. This means that the Hibernate will not load tasks property when the Employee entity is loaded. Instead of tasks property will only be loaded when it is accessed for the first time. If we have to call the first task of an employee we have to simply call the below code.

Employee employee = (Employee) session.get(Employee.class, 1L);
// below line will return us with
// the first task of an employee
Tasks task = employee.getTasks().get(0)

Similarly for getting the second task for an employee we have to simply change the index for the get Tasks method from 0 to 1. 

Example 2:

package com.example.java_test_application;
// on the below line we are creating an entity class named
// as Mobile
public class Mobile {
    // on the below line creating an unique id variable for
    // mobile id.
    private Long mobileId;
    // on the below line creating a string variable for
    // mobile name.
    @Column(name = "mobileName"
    private String mobileName;
    // on the below line creating a variable for mobile
    // features.
    @OneToOne(fetch = FetchType.LAZY)
    private MobileFeatures mobileFeatures;

In the above example mobile feature property is a reference to Mobile Features entity. The fetch = FetchType.Lazy attribute on One to one annotation tells Hibernate to load mobile features property lazily. This means that mobile features will only be loaded when it is accessed for the first time. To load the mobile features for the mobile we have to call the below code snippet. 

Mobile mobile = (Mobile) session.get(Mobile.class,1L);
// below line of code will return
// us the features of a mobile phone.
MobileFeatures mobileFeatures = mobile.getFeatures();

With the help of the above code we can get the features of a mobile phone.

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