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Hibernate – Cache Eviction with Example

Caching in Hibernate means storing and reusing frequently used data to speed up your application. There are two kinds of caching: Session-level and SessionFactory-level. Level 1 cache is a cache that stores objects that have been queried and persist to the current session. This cache helps to reduce the number of database round trips by storing objects that are frequently accessed in the session. Level 1 cache is the default cache that is stored by default in hibernate. It is related to the hibernate session object.

Hibernate’s Level 2 caching is a built-in caching mechanism that allows you to cache data across several sessions. Level 2 cache stores data in your application’s shared cache region, which is accessible by every Hibernate session in your application. Level 2 caching can help optimize your application by reducing the number of database queries needed to load data. There are several cache providers available for Hibernate. You can use any of them, including Ehcache, Infinispan, Hazelcast, and others.

Importance of Cache Eviction

The process of cache eviction involves the deletion or replacement of data stored in a cache. This is a critical component of cache management as it guarantees that the cache remains functional and efficient. Here are some reasons why cache eviction is important:

  1. Maximizing cache space: Caches have a limited amount of space, and if the cache becomes full, new data cannot be stored. Eviction ensures that the cache is not filled with outdated or unused data, allowing space for new data.
  2. Improved cache performance: Eviction ensures that the cache only contains relevant data, increasing the cache hit rate and improving overall performance.
  3. Avoiding data staleness: Data in a cache may become stale over time, especially if it is rarely accessed. Eviction removes such data, ensuring that only fresh data is stored in the cache.
  4. Reducing cache access time: Eviction ensures that the cache only contains relevant data, which reduces the time needed to access data from the cache.
  5. Reducing cache misses: Eviction helps reduce the occurrence of cache misses, which are situations where requested data is not found in the cache, and must be retrieved from slower storage such as a disk.

Definition of Cache Eviction

When a cache gets full, it can’t store new data without getting rid of old data. That’s what cache eviction is all about. It’s the process of getting rid of or swapping out data in the cache to make room for new stuff. It’s done by using algorithms to figure out which data to get rid of. There are different policies for doing this, like LRU (Least Recently Used), LFU (Frequently Used), and RPP (Random Replacement). These policies are picked based on the type of data being stored and how often it’s accessed. The idea is to make sure the cache only has stuff that’s important and frequently accessed. That way, it’ll be more efficient and work better.

Reasons for Cache Eviction

There are several reasons for cache eviction, which are as follows:

  1. Limited cache size: Caches have a limited size, and if the cache becomes full, new data cannot be stored. Eviction ensures that the cache is not filled with outdated or unused data, making space for new data.
  2. Stale data: Data in a cache may become stale over time, especially if it is rarely accessed. Eviction removes such data, ensuring that only fresh data is stored in the cache.
  3. Access frequency: Some data may be accessed more frequently than others. Eviction algorithms can prioritize frequently accessed data and remove less frequently accessed data.
  4. Cache efficiency: Caches are designed to store frequently accessed data, and eviction ensures that the cache only contains relevant data, which improves the cache hit rate and overall performance.
  5. Cache consistency: Caches may hold copies of data that may be modified by other processes or threads. Eviction ensures that the cache holds the most recent version of the data, improving cache consistency.
  6. Dynamic data: Some data may change over time, and caching this data may not be effective. Eviction algorithms can remove data that is likely to change frequently.

Different Types of Cache Eviction

Cache eviction is the process of removing data from a cache when the cache becomes full or when the data is no longer needed. There are several different types of cache eviction algorithms used by computer systems, including:

  1. Time-Based Eviction
  2. Count-Based Eviction
  3. Query Result Eviction
  4. Cache Region Clearing

1. Time-Based Eviction

2. Count-Based Eviction

3. Query Result Eviction

4. Cache Region Clearing

Cache Eviction Strategies in Hibernate

Hibernate supports these cache eviction strategies through its second-level cache, which is a shared cache that is used to store entities and collections across multiple sessions. The second-level cache can be configured with different eviction policies for each cache region, allowing developers to optimize the caching behavior for different parts of their applications.

  1. Least Recently Used (LRU): Least Recently Unused (LRU) is an algorithm that removes data from the cache that has not been used for the longest period. LRU is based on the premise that data that has been unutilized for a long period is unlikely to be required in the future.
  2. First-In-First-Out (FIFO): First-in-first-out (FIFO) is an algorithm that prioritizes the removal of previously added data from the cache. The rationale behind this is that the longer the data has resided in the cache, the less likely it is to be required.
  3. Least Frequently Used (LFU): Least Frequently Utilized (LFU) is an algorithm that removes data from the cache based on the premise that the least frequently accessed data is unlikely to be required in the future.

Implementation of Cache Eviction in Hibernate

The following is an example code snippet that demonstrates how to implement cache eviction in Hibernate using the second-level cache.

Session session = sessionFactory.openSession();
Transaction tx = session.beginTransaction();
// Enable second-level cache for the entity
// Perform some database operation
User user = session.get(User.class, 1L);
user.setName("John Doe");
// Evict the cache for the entity
sessionFactory.getCache().evictEntity(User.class, user.getId());

Note: You can also configure cache eviction policies using third-party libraries like Ehcache or Hazelcast. These libraries provide more advanced caching options such as eviction policies based on the time-to-live or time-to-idle.


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