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Java Program to Add the Data from the Specified Collection in the Current Collection

The grouping of objects in a single unit is called a collection. For example Array, Lists, Hashsets, etc.  Data can be added from a specified collection in the current collection by using the addAll() method in Java. This method falls under the header file, java.util.*.  The addAll() method returns a true value if the adding of the collection is successful after calling the method else it returns a false value.

We can use the addAll() method in two ways namely:

Let there be 2 lists.

The static method Declaration


The instance method Declaration

Let the index where List2 needs to be inserted in List1 is 1.

List1.addAll(1, List2);

The addAll() method always throws the following exceptions:

Example 1:

Input: boolean b = List1.addAll(large,extra-large)

If the appending is successful
Output: true 

If the appending is unsuccessful
Output: false

Example 2:

Input:  Collections.addAll(List1,List2)
Output: List1 = [small,medium,large,extra-large]

Approach used:

Below is the implementation of the above approach:

// Java Program to Add the Data from the Specified
// Collection in the Current Collection
import java.util.*;
public class AddCollections {
    public static void main(String[] args)
        // Creating object of a list which is our current
        // collection
        ArrayList<Integer> list = new ArrayList<Integer>();
        // Adding values to the initial list
        // Printing the initial list
            "Initial collection value of list: " + list);
        // creating object of the specified list.
        ArrayList<Integer> list2 = new ArrayList<Integer>();
        // Printing the initial list
            "Initial collection value of list2: " + list2);
        // returns true if addition is successful else
        // false
        // adding data from the specified collection in
        // the  current collection at a specified position
        boolean b = list.addAll(2, list2);
        // printing the boolean result
        System.out.println("Boolean Result: " + b);
        // printing the final list with the new values added
            "Final collection value of list: " + list);
        // creating an object for a different collection
        Integer[] arr = new Integer[4];
        // Initializing the array
        arr[0] = 9;
        arr[1] = 8;
        arr[2] = 7;
        arr[3] = 6;
        // Adding array elements to list2
        Collections.addAll(list2, arr);
        // Printing the new List2
            "Final collection value of list2: " + list2);

Initial collection value of list: [1, 2, 3]
Initial collection value of list2: [4, 5, 6]
Boolean Result: true
Final collection value of list: [1, 2, 4, 5, 6, 3]
Final collection value of list2: [4, 5, 6, 9, 8, 7, 6]

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