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Employee Management System using doubly linked list in C

Design and implement a menu-driven program in C for the below operations on DLL of employee data with fields: SSN, name, department, designation, Salary, Phone Number:


struct node {
    struct node* prev;
    int ssn;
    long int phno;
    float sal;
    char name[20], dept[10], desg[20];
    struct node* next;

Below is the C-program to demonstrate employers details using a Doubly Linked List:

// C-program to demonstrate employer
// details using a Doubly-linked list
#include <conio.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
// Global declaration
int count = 0;
// Structure declaration
struct node {
    struct node* prev;
    int ssn;
    long int phno;
    float sal;
    char name[20], dept[10], desg[20];
    struct node* next;
} * h, *temp, *temp1, *temp2, *temp4;
// Function to create node
void create()
    int ssn;
    long int phno;
    float sal;
    char name[20], dept[10], desg[20];
    temp = (struct node*)malloc(sizeof(struct node));
    temp->prev = NULL;
    temp->next = NULL;
    printf("\n enter ssn, name, depart"
           "ment, designation, salary "
           "and phno of employee:\n");
    scanf("%d %s %s %s %f %ld",
          &ssn, name, dept, desg,
          &sal, &phno);
    temp->ssn = ssn;
    strcpy(temp->name, name);
    strcpy(temp->dept, dept);
    strcpy(temp->desg, desg);
    temp->sal = sal;
    temp->phno = phno;
// Function to insert at beginning
void insertbeg()
    // If DLL is empty
    if (h == NULL) {
        h = temp;
        temp1 = h;
    // Else create a new node and
    // update the links
    else {
        temp->next = h;
        h->prev = temp;
        h = temp;
// Function to insert at end
void insertend()
    // If DLL is empty
    if (h == NULL) {
        h = temp;
        temp1 = h;
    // Else create a new node and
    // update the links
    else {
        temp1->next = temp;
        temp->prev = temp1;
        temp1 = temp;
// Function to display from beginning
void displaybeg()
    temp2 = h;
    if (temp2 == NULL) {
        printf("\n list is empty\n");
    printf("\n linked list elements "
           "from beginning:\n");
    while (temp2 != NULL) {
        printf("%d %s %s %s %f %ld\n",
               temp2->ssn, temp2->name,
               temp2->dept, temp2->desg,
               temp2->sal, temp2->phno);
        temp2 = temp2->next;
    // Print the count
    printf("number of employees=%d", count);
// Function to delete at end
int deleteend()
    struct node* temp;
    temp = h;
    if (temp == NULL) {
        printf("list is empty\n");
        return 0;
    if (temp->next == NULL) {
        printf("%d %s %s %s %f %ld\n",
               temp->ssn, temp->name,
               temp->dept, temp->desg,
               temp->sal, temp->phno);
        h = NULL;
    else {
        temp = temp1;
        temp2 = temp1->prev;
        temp2->next = NULL;
        printf("%d %s %s %s %f %ld\n",
               temp->ssn, temp->name,
               temp->dept, temp->desg,
               temp->sal, temp->phno);
        temp1 = temp2;
    return 0;
// Function to delete from beginning
int deletebeg()
    struct node* temp;
    temp = h;
    if (temp == NULL) {
        printf("list is empty\n");
        return 0;
    if (temp->next == NULL) {
        printf("%d %s %s %s %f %ld\n",
               temp->ssn, temp->name,
               temp->dept, temp->desg,
               temp->sal, temp->phno);
        h = NULL;
    else {
        h = h->next;
        h->prev = NULL;
        printf("%d %s %s %s %f %ld\n",
               temp->ssn, temp->name,
               temp->dept, temp->desg,
               temp->sal, temp->phno);
    return 0;
// Function displaying menus
void employerDetails()
    int ch, n, i;
    h = NULL;
    temp = temp1 = NULL;
    printf("\n 1.create a DLL of n emp");
    printf("\n 2.display from beginning");
    printf("\n 3.insert at end");
    printf("\n 4.delete at end");
    printf("\n 5.insert at beginning");
    printf("\n 6.delete at beginning");
    printf("\n show DLL as queue");
    printf("\n 8.exit\n");
    while (1) {
        printf("\n enter choice : ");
        scanf("%d", &ch);
        // Switch statements begins
        switch (ch) {
        case 1:
            printf("\n enter number of"
                   " employees:");
            scanf("%d", &n);
            for (i = 0; i < n; i++)
        case 2:
        case 3:
        case 4:
        case 5:
        case 6:
        case 7:
                "\n to show DLL as queue"
                " \n1.perform insert and"
                " deletion operation by "
                "calling insertbeg() and "
                "deleteend() respectively\n "
                "\t OR \n 2.perform insert "
                "and delete operations by 
                "calling  insertend() and "
                "deletebeg() respectively\n");
        case 8:
            printf("wrong choice\n");
// Driver Code
int main()
    // Function Call
    return 0;



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