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Partial derivative of a polynomial using Doubly Linked List

Given a 2-variable polynomial represented by a doubly linked list, the task is to find the partial derivative of a polynomial stored in the doubly-linked list.


Input: P(x, y) = 2(x^3 y^4) + 3(x^5 y^7) + 1(x^2 y^6)
Partial derivatives w.r.t. x: 6(x^2 y^4) + 15(x^4 y^7) + 2(x^1 y^6)
Partial derivatives w.r.t. y: 24(x^2 y^3) + 105(x^4 y^6) + 12(x^1 y^5)
Partial derivatives w.r.t. x and y: 144(x^1 y^2) + 2520(x^3 y^5) + 60(x^0 y^4)

Input: P(x, y) = 3(x^2 y^1) + 4(x^2 y^3) + 2(x^4 y^7)
Partial derivatives w.r.t. x: 6(x^1 y^1) + 8(x^1 y^3) + 8(x^3 y^7)
Partial derivatives w.r.t. y: 6(x^1 y^0) + 24(x^1 y^2) + 56(x^3 y^6)
Partial derivatives w.r.t. x and y: 48(x^0 y^1) + 1008(x^2 y^5)

Approach: Follow the steps below to solve this problem:

Below is the implementation of the above approach:

// C++ program for the above approach
#include <bits/stdc++.h>
using namespace std;
// Structure of a node
struct node {
    node* link1 = NULL;
    node* link2 = NULL;
    int data = 0;
    int pow1 = 0;
    int pow2 = 0;
// Function to generate Doubly Linked
// List from given parameters
void input_equation(node*& head, int d,
                    int p1, int p2)
    node* temp = head;
    // If list is empty
    if (head == NULL) {
        // Create new node
        node* ptr = new node();
        ptr->data = d;
        ptr->pow1 = p1;
        ptr->pow2 = p2;
        // Set it as the head
        // of the linked list
        head = ptr;
    // If list is not empty
    else {
        // Temporarily store
        // address of the head node
        temp = head;
        // Traverse the linked list
        while (temp->link2 != NULL) {
            // Link to next node
            temp = temp->link2;
        // Create new node
        node* ptr = new node();
        ptr->data = d;
        ptr->pow1 = p1;
        ptr->pow2 = p2;
        // Connect the nodes
        ptr->link1 = temp;
        temp->link2 = ptr;
// Function to calculate partial
// derivative w.r.t. X
void derivation_with_x(node*& head)
    cout << "Partial derivatives"
         << " w.r.t. x: ";
    node* temp = head;
    // Traverse the Linked List
    while (temp != NULL) {
        if (temp->pow1 != 0) {
            temp->data = (temp->data)
                         * (temp->pow1);
            temp->pow1 = temp->pow1 - 1;
        else {
            temp->data = 0;
            temp->pow1 = 0;
            temp->pow2 = 0;
        temp = temp->link2;
    temp = head;
    cout << " " << temp->data
         << "(x^" << temp->pow1
         << " y^" << temp->pow2
         << ")";
    temp = temp->link2;
    while (temp != NULL) {
        cout << " + "
             << temp->data << "(x^"
             << temp->pow1 << " y^"
             << temp->pow2 << ")";
        temp = temp->link2;
    cout << "\n";
// Function to calculate partial
// derivative w.r.t. Y
void derivation_with_y(node*& head)
    cout << "Partial derivatives"
         << " w.r.t. y: ";
    node* temp = head;
    // Traverse the Linked List
    while (temp != NULL) {
        if (temp->pow2 != 0) {
            temp->data = (temp->data)
                         * (temp->pow2);
            temp->pow2 = temp->pow2 - 1;
        else {
            temp->data = 0;
            temp->pow1 = 0;
            temp->pow2 = 0;
        temp = temp->link2;
    temp = head;
    cout << " "
         << temp->data
         << "(x^" << temp->pow1
         << " y^"
         << temp->pow2 << ")";
    temp = temp->link2;
    while (temp != NULL) {
        cout << " + "
             << temp->data << "(x^"
             << temp->pow1 << " y^"
             << temp->pow2 << ")";
        temp = temp->link2;
    cout << "\n";
// Function to calculate partial
// derivative w.r.t. XY
void derivation_with_x_y(node*& head)
    cout << "Partial derivatives"
         << " w.r.t. x and y: ";
    node* temp = head;
    // Derivative with respect to
    // the first variable
    while (temp != NULL) {
        if (temp->pow1 != 0) {
            temp->data = (temp->data)
                         * (temp->pow1);
            temp->pow1 = temp->pow1 - 1;
        else {
            temp->data = 0;
            temp->pow1 = 0;
            temp->pow2 = 0;
        temp = temp->link2;
    temp = head;
    // Derivative with respect to
    // the second variable
    while (temp != NULL) {
        if (temp->pow2 != 0) {
            temp->data = (temp->data)
                         * (temp->pow2);
            temp->pow2 = temp->pow2 - 1;
        else {
            temp->data = 0;
            temp->pow1 = 0;
            temp->pow2 = 0;
        temp = temp->link2;
    temp = head;
    cout << " "
         << temp->data << "(x^"
         << temp->pow1 << " y^"
         << temp->pow2 << ")";
    temp = temp->link2;
    // Print the list after the
    // calculating the derivative
    while (temp != NULL) {
        cout << " + "
             << temp->data << "(x^"
             << temp->pow1 << " y^"
             << temp->pow2 << ")";
        temp = temp->link2;
    cout << "\n";
// Driver Code
int main()
    node* head1 = NULL;
    // Creating doubly-linked list
    input_equation(head1, 2, 3, 4);
    input_equation(head1, 3, 5, 7);
    input_equation(head1, 1, 2, 6);
    // Function Call
    return 0;

import java.util.*;
// Java code
// Structure of a node
class Node {
    public int data;
    public int pow1;
    public int pow2;
    public Node link1;
    public Node link2;
    public Node(int d, int p1, int p2)
        data = d;
        pow1 = p1;
        pow2 = p2;
        link1 = null;
        link2 = null;
class GFG {
    // Function to generate Doubly Linked
    // List from given parameters
    public static Node input_equation(Node head, int d,
                                      int p1, int p2)
        Node temp = head;
        // If list is empty
        if (head == null) {
            // Set it as the head
            // of the linked list
            Node ptr = new Node(d, p1, p2);
            head = ptr;
            // If list is not empty
        else {
            // Temporarily store
            // address of the head node
            temp = head;
            while (temp.link2 != null) {
                temp = temp.link2;
            Node ptr = new Node(d, p1, p2);
            // Connect the nodes
            ptr.link1 = temp;
            temp.link2 = ptr;
        return head;
    // Function to calculate partial derivative w.r.t. X
    public static void derivation_with_x(Node head)
        String tem = "Partial derivatives w.r.t. x: ";
        Node temp = head;
        while (temp != null) {
            if (temp.pow1 != 0) {
       = ( * (temp.pow1);
                temp.pow1 = temp.pow1 - 1;
            else {
       = 0;
                temp.pow1 = 0;
                temp.pow2 = 0;
            temp = temp.link2;
        temp = head;
        if ( != 0) {
            tem = tem + " " + + "(x^" + temp.pow1
                  + " y^" + temp.pow2 + ")";
        temp = temp.link2;
        while (temp != null) {
            if ( != 0) {
                tem = tem + " + " + + "(x^"
                      + temp.pow1 + " y^" + temp.pow2 + ")";
            temp = temp.link2;
    // Function to calculate partial
    // derivative w.r.t. Y
    public static void derivation_with_y(Node head)
        String tem = "Partial derivatives w.r.t. y: ";
        Node temp = head;
        while (temp != null) {
            if (temp.pow2 != 0) {
       = ( * (temp.pow2);
                temp.pow2 = temp.pow2 - 1;
            else {
       = 0;
                temp.pow1 = 0;
                temp.pow2 = 0;
            temp = temp.link2;
        temp = head;
        if ( != 0) {
            tem = tem + " " + + "(x^" + temp.pow1
                  + " y^" + temp.pow2 + ")";
        temp = temp.link2;
        while (temp != null) {
            if ( != 0) {
                tem = tem + " + " + + "(x^"
                      + temp.pow1 + " y^" + temp.pow2 + ")";
            temp = temp.link2;
    // Function to calculate partial
    // derivative w.r.t. XY
    public static void derivation_with_x_y(Node head)
        String tem = "Partial derivatives w.r.t. xy: ";
        Node temp = head;
        while (temp != null) {
            if (temp.pow1 != 0 && temp.pow2 != 0) {
       = ( * (temp.pow1)
                            * (temp.pow2);
                temp.pow1 = temp.pow1 - 1;
                temp.pow2 = temp.pow2 - 1;
            else {
       = 0;
                temp.pow1 = 0;
                temp.pow2 = 0;
            temp = temp.link2;
        temp = head;
        if ( != 0) {
            tem = tem + " " + + "(x^" + temp.pow1
                  + " y^" + temp.pow2 + ")";
        temp = temp.link2;
        while (temp != null) {
            if ( != 0) {
                tem = tem + " + " + + "(x^"
                      + temp.pow1 + " y^" + temp.pow2 + ")";
            temp = temp.link2;
    public static void main(String[] args)
        // Creating doubly-linked list
        Node head = null;
        head = input_equation(head, 2, 3, 4);
        head = input_equation(head, 3, 5, 7);
        head = input_equation(head, 1, 2, 6);
        // Function Call
// The code is contributed by phasing17

# Python code for the  above approach
# Structure of a node
class Node:
    def __init__(self, data, p1, p2): = data
        self.pow1 = p1
        self.pow2 = p2
        self.link1 = None
        self.link2 = None
# Function to generate Doubly Linked
# List from given parameters
def input_equation(head, d, p1, p2):
    temp = head
    # If list is empty
    if head is None:
      # Set it as the head
       # of the linked list
        ptr = Node(d,p1,p2)
        head = ptr
        #If list is not empty
      # Temporarily store
      # address of the head node
        temp = head
        while temp.link2 is not None:
            temp = temp.link2
        ptr = Node(d,p1,p2)
        # Connect the nodes
        ptr.link1 = temp
        temp.link2 = ptr
    return head
# Function to calculate partial derivative w.r.t. X
def derivation_with_x(head):
    print("Partial derivatives w.r.t. x: ", end = "")
    temp = head
    while temp is not None:
        if temp.pow1 != 0:
   = ( * (temp.pow1)
            temp.pow1 = temp.pow1 - 1
   = 0
            temp.pow1 = 0
            temp.pow2 = 0
        temp = temp.link2
    temp = head
    if != 0:
        print(" " + str( + "(x^" + str(temp.pow1) + " y^" + str(temp.pow2) + ")", end = "")
    temp = temp.link2
    while temp is not None:
        if != 0:
            print(" + " + str( + "(x^" + str(temp.pow1) + " y^" + str(temp.pow2) + ")", end = "")
        temp = temp.link2
# Function to calculate partial
# derivative w.r.t. Y
def derivation_with_y(head):
    print("Partial derivatives w.r.t. y: ", end = "")
    temp = head
    while temp is not None:
        if temp.pow2 != 0:
   = ( * (temp.pow2)
            temp.pow2 = temp.pow2 - 1
   = 0
            temp.pow1 = 0
            temp.pow2 = 0
        temp = temp.link2
    temp = head
    if != 0:
        print(" " + str( + "(x^" + str(temp.pow1) + " y^" + str(temp.pow2) + ")", end = "")
    temp = temp.link2
    while temp is not None:
        if != 0:
            print(" + " + str( + "(x^" + str(temp.pow1) + " y^" + str(temp.pow2) + ")", end = "")
        temp = temp.link2
#Function to calculate partial
# derivative w.r.t. XY
def derivation_with_x_y(head):
    print("Partial derivatives w.r.t. xy: ", end = "")
    temp = head
    while temp is not None:
        if temp.pow1 != 0 and temp.pow2 != 0:
   = ( * (temp.pow1) * (temp.pow2)
            temp.pow1 = temp.pow1 - 1
            temp.pow2 = temp.pow2 - 1
   = 0
            temp.pow1 = 0
            temp.pow2 = 0
        temp = temp.link2
    temp = head
    if != 0:
        print(" " + str( + "(x^" + str(temp.pow1) + " y^" + str(temp.pow2) + ")", end = "")
    temp = temp.link2
    while temp is not None:
        if != 0:
            print(" + " + str( + "(x^" + str(temp.pow1) + " y^" + str(temp.pow2) + ")", end = "")
        temp = temp.link2
# Driver Code
if __name__ == "__main__":
  #Creating doubly-linked list
    head = None
    head = input_equation(head, 2,3,4)
    head = input_equation(head, 3,5,7)
    head = input_equation(head, 1,2,6)
    #Function Call
# This code is contributed by lokeshpotta20.

using System;
using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
// C# code
// Structure of a node
class Node {
  public int data;
  public int pow1;
  public int pow2;
  public Node link1;
  public Node link2;
  public Node(int d,int p1,int p2) {
    data = d;
    pow1 = p1;
    pow2 = p2;
    link1 = null;
    link2 = null;
class HelloWorld {
  // Function to generate Doubly Linked
  // List from given parameters
  public static Node input_equation(Node head,int d,int p1,int p2) {
    Node temp = head;
    // If list is empty
    if (head == null) {
      // Set it as the head
      // of the linked list
      Node ptr = new Node(d,p1,p2);
      head = ptr;
      //If list is not empty
    } else {
      // Temporarily store
      // address of the head node
      temp = head;
      while (temp.link2 != null) {
        temp = temp.link2;
      Node ptr = new Node(d,p1,p2);
      // Connect the nodes
      ptr.link1 = temp;
      temp.link2 = ptr;
    return head;
  // Function to calculate partial derivative w.r.t. X
  public static void derivation_with_x(Node head) {
    string tem = "Partial derivatives w.r.t. x: ";
    Node temp = head;
    while (temp != null) {
      if (temp.pow1 != 0) { = ( * (temp.pow1);
        temp.pow1 = temp.pow1 - 1;
      } else { = 0;
        temp.pow1 = 0;
        temp.pow2 = 0;
      temp = temp.link2;
    temp = head;
    if ( != 0) {
      tem = tem + " " + + "(x^" + temp.pow1 + " y^" + temp.pow2 + ")";
    temp = temp.link2;
    while (temp != null) {
      if ( != 0) {
        tem = tem +" + " + + "(x^" + temp.pow1 + " y^" + temp.pow2 + ")";
      temp = temp.link2;
  // Function to calculate partial
  // derivative w.r.t. Y
  public static void derivation_with_y(Node head) {
    string tem = "Partial derivatives w.r.t. y: ";
    Node temp = head;
    while (temp != null) {
      if (temp.pow2 != 0) { = ( * (temp.pow2);
        temp.pow2 = temp.pow2 - 1;
      } else { = 0;
        temp.pow1 = 0;
        temp.pow2 = 0;
      temp = temp.link2;
    temp = head;
    if ( != 0) {
      tem = tem + " " + + "(x^" + temp.pow1 + " y^" + temp.pow2 + ")";
    temp = temp.link2;
    while (temp != null) {
      if ( != 0) {
        tem = tem + " + " + + "(x^" + temp.pow1 + " y^" + temp.pow2 + ")";
      temp = temp.link2;
  // Function to calculate partial
  // derivative w.r.t. XY
  public static void derivation_with_x_y(Node head) {
    string tem = "Partial derivatives w.r.t. xy: ";
    Node temp = head;
    while (temp != null) {
      if (temp.pow1 != 0 && temp.pow2 != 0) { = ( * (temp.pow1) * (temp.pow2);
        temp.pow1 = temp.pow1 - 1;
        temp.pow2 = temp.pow2 - 1;
      } else { = 0;
        temp.pow1 = 0;
        temp.pow2 = 0;
      temp = temp.link2;
    temp = head;
    if ( != 0) {
      tem = tem + " " + + "(x^" + temp.pow1 + " y^" + temp.pow2 + ")";
    temp = temp.link2;
    while (temp != null) {
      if ( != 0) {
        tem = tem + " + " + + "(x^" + temp.pow1 + " y^" + temp.pow2 + ")";
      temp = temp.link2;
  static void Main() {
    // Creating doubly-linked list
    Node head = null;
    head = input_equation(head, 2,3,4);
    head = input_equation(head, 3,5,7);
    head = input_equation(head, 1,2,6);
    //Function Call
// The code is contributed by Nidhi goel.

// Javascript code
// Structure of a node
class Node {
    constructor(data, p1, p2) { = data;
        this.pow1 = p1;
        this.pow2 = p2;
        this.link1 = null;
        this.link2 = null;
// Function to generate Doubly Linked
// List from given parameters
function input_equation(head, d, p1, p2) {
    let temp = head;
    // If list is empty
    if (head == null) {
      // Set it as the head
       // of the linked list
        let ptr = new Node(d,p1,p2);
        head = ptr;
        //If list is not empty
    } else {
      // Temporarily store
      // address of the head node
        temp = head;
        while (temp.link2 != null) {
            temp = temp.link2;
        let ptr = new Node(d,p1,p2);
        // Connect the nodes
        ptr.link1 = temp;
        temp.link2 = ptr;
    return head;
// Function to calculate partial derivative w.r.t. X
function derivation_with_x(head) {
    tem = "Partial derivatives w.r.t. x: ";
    let temp = head;
    while (temp != null) {
        if (temp.pow1 != 0) {
   = ( * (temp.pow1);
            temp.pow1 = temp.pow1 - 1;
        } else {
   = 0;
            temp.pow1 = 0;
            temp.pow2 = 0;
        temp = temp.link2;
    temp = head;
    if ( != 0) {
        tem = tem + " " + + "(x^" + temp.pow1 + " y^" + temp.pow2 + ")";
    temp = temp.link2;
    while (temp != null) {
        if ( != 0) {
        tem = tem +" + " + + "(x^" + temp.pow1 + " y^" + temp.pow2 + ")";
        temp = temp.link2;
// Function to calculate partial
// derivative w.r.t. Y
function derivation_with_y(head) {
    tem = "Partial derivatives w.r.t. y: ";
    let temp = head;
    while (temp != null) {
        if (temp.pow2 != 0) {
   = ( * (temp.pow2);
            temp.pow2 = temp.pow2 - 1;
        } else {
   = 0;
            temp.pow1 = 0;
            temp.pow2 = 0;
        temp = temp.link2;
    temp = head;
    if ( != 0) {
        tem = tem + " " + + "(x^" + temp.pow1 + " y^" + temp.pow2 + ")";
    temp = temp.link2;
    while (temp != null) {
        if ( != 0) {
            tem = tem + " + " + + "(x^" + temp.pow1 + " y^" + temp.pow2 + ")";
        temp = temp.link2;
// Function to calculate partial
// derivative w.r.t. XY
function derivation_with_x_y(head) {
    tem = "Partial derivatives w.r.t. xy: ";
    let temp = head;
    while (temp != null) {
        if (temp.pow1 != 0 && temp.pow2 != 0) {
   = ( * (temp.pow1) * (temp.pow2);
            temp.pow1 = temp.pow1 - 1;
            temp.pow2 = temp.pow2 - 1;
        } else {
   = 0;
            temp.pow1 = 0;
            temp.pow2 = 0;
        temp = temp.link2;
    temp = head;
    if ( != 0) {
        tem = tem + " " + + "(x^" + temp.pow1 + " y^" + temp.pow2 + ")";
    temp = temp.link2;
    while (temp != null) {
        if ( != 0) {
            tem = tem + " + " + + "(x^" + temp.pow1 + " y^" + temp.pow2 + ")";
        temp = temp.link2;
// Driver Code
function main() {
  // Creating doubly-linked list
    let head = null;
    head = input_equation(head, 2,3,4);
    head = input_equation(head, 3,5,7);
    head = input_equation(head, 1,2,6);
    //Function Call

Partial derivatives w.r.t. x:  6(x^2 y^4) + 15(x^4 y^7) + 2(x^1 y^6)
Partial derivatives w.r.t. y:  24(x^2 y^3) + 105(x^4 y^6) + 12(x^1 y^5)
Partial derivatives w.r.t. x and y:  144(x^1 y^2) + 2520(x^3 y^5) + 60(x^0 y^4)


Time Complexity: O(N)
Auxiliary Space: O(1)

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