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Deployment Automation with Cloud Build

Software delivery is revolutionized by deployment automation, which helps speed up release cycles, lower errors, and streamline deployment procedures. It gives businesses the ability to deliver continuously, which guarantees a quicker time to market and more agility. Automation makes it possible to orchestrate the complicated procedures, fostering creativity and enhancing cooperation. Tools such as Google Cloud Build facilitate this process. For developers, DevOps engineers, and IT managers to produce high-quality software quickly, they must comprehend deployment automation. This article examines deployment automation’s advantages, drawbacks, and best practices in order to help software deployments run more smoothly and dependably. Following the steps to implement the deployment using the cloud build.

Setting Up A Cloud Build on GCP

Here are the detailed steps to configure the cloud build on the Google Cloud Platform.

Step 1: Navigate to the Google Cloud Platform console and search for “Cloud Build”. Click on “Triggers” in the Cloud Build menu.

Step 2: Provide the necessary details like name of cloud build and other details as shown image below.

Integrating Cloud Build with Source Control

Connect to repository of gcp or intigrade the github as well in the using this configuration. Based on our requirements we configure the git hub repository.

Step 3: Configure the repository and branch i have configured the repository from the gcp repository.

Creating Build Pipelines on Cloud Build

Using the below stage we can write using the inline mode or intigrate the cloudbuild yaml file in the build triggers. Here is the sample cloud build yaml file.

#First Clone from Google Cloud Source Repository  
- name: ''
  args: ['clone','${_PROJECT}/r/${_REPO_NAME}']

#Build the image 
- name: ''
  args: ['build','-t','${_PROJECT}/${_CONTAINERNAME}:${_VERSION}','.']

#Push the image  
- name: ''
  args: ['push','${_PROJECT}/${_CONTAINERNAME}:${_VERSION}']
#Update the container image using kubectl set
- name: ''
  - 'set'
  - 'image'
  - 'deployment/${_DEPLOYMENTNAME}'
    #GCP Specific configuration. Please DON'T change anything
    _PROJECT: gcp-demo-project-413710
    _ZONE: us-central-c
    _GKE_CLUSTER: demo-cluster
    #Repository Specific configuration. DevOps can change this settings
    _DEPLOYMENTNAME: hello-world-service
    _CONTAINERNAME: hello-world-service    
    _REPO_NAME: cloud-build
    # Developers ONLY change
    _VERSION: v1.0
    substitution_option: 'ALLOW_LOOSE'

Step 4: I have configured cloud build pipeline to build triggers and ruuning the build pipeline.

Building And Testing Applications on Cloud Build

Below stage we can see the console of the ci cd and deplyed in to kubernetes.

Step 5: In this steps i have cloned the repo and dockerize and pushed to container registry and deployed to pre-existing kubenetes cluster.

Security And Compliance

  1. Identity and Access Management (IAM):
    • Cloud Build’s role-based access control.
    • establishing service accounts and users for Cloud Build with least privilege permissions.
    • Putting IAM best practices into practice to guarantee resource access security.
  2. Secure Software Supply Chain:
    • maintain the software supply chain’s integrity during deployment automation.
    • methods for confirm the legitimacy of dependencies and source code.
    • utilize the vulnerability management software and analyzing container images for security.
  3. Continuous Security Testing:
    • Integrating vulnerability scanning and static code analysis into Cloud Build pipelines for security testing.
    • integrating automated compliance checks and security evaluations into the deployment procedure.
    • Techniques for upholding secure coding standards and correcting vulnerability findings.

Advantages Of Cloud Build


With the use of technologies like Google Cloud Build, deployment automating transforms software delivery by increasing the productivity, decreasing the errors, and quickening release cycles. Organizations can confidently achieve continuous delivery by integrating Cloud Build with source control, establishing build pipelines, and guaranteeing security and compliance protocols. Using deployment automation helps teams to deliver high-quality software more quickly and effectively by facilitating smoother and more reliable software deployments.

Automation with Cloud Build – FAQ’s

How do I deploy cloud function using cloud build?

Establish a Cloud Build trigger that is connected to your Cloud Function repository before defining build steps in your cloudbuild.yaml file. This will allow you to use the gcloud command-line tool to deploy your Cloud Function.

What is the difference between cloud build and deploy?

Deployment is the process of putting an application or service into a target environment, like a server or cloud platform. Cloud Build is a tool for automating build, test, and deployment procedures. Deployment is the process of making the program or service available to end customers, whereas Cloud Build is concentrated on automating the build and test stages of software development.

How do I deploy Kubernetes to the cloud?

You can use managed Kubernetes services offered by cloud providers like Amazon EKS, Google GKE, or Microsoft AKS to deploy Kubernetes to the cloud. As an alternative, you can manually set up Kubernetes clusters on cloud infrastructure virtual machines.

What are the 4 types of deployment cloud services?

Public cloud, private cloud, hybrid cloud, and multicloud are the four categories of cloud service deployment. Private clouds are reserved for use by a single company, whereas public clouds are accessed via the internet by other companies. Public and private cloud infrastructure are combined in hybrid clouds, and employing numerous cloud providers for various services or applications is known as multiclouding.

How to deploy Docker to cloud?

Use a cloud service such as AWS Elastic Container Service (ECS), Google Kubernetes Engine (GKE), or Azure Kubernetes Service (AKS) to orchestrate and manage your containers at scale after containerizing your application with Docker.

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