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Google Cloud Platform – Creating a Cloud Monitor

Cloud monitoring is the process of reviewing and managing the operational workflow and processes within a cloud infrastructure or asset. These techniques confirm the performance of websites, servers, applications, and other cloud infrastructure.

The following steps create the monitor in the Google cloud console.

Step 1: Create a Compute Engine instance :

 Navigation menu --> Compute Engine --> VM instances --> Create.


Field                                 Value                                
Name GeeksforGeeks
Region us-central1 (Iowa)
Zone us-central-a
Series  N1
Machine type n1-standard-2
Firewall check allow HTTP traffic

Step 2: Add Apache2 HTTP Server to your instance

In the SSH of created instance, the following commands will set up Apache2 HTTP Server.

sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install apache2 php7.0
sudo service apache2 restart

To verify the setup, go to the external IP and view the successful deployment of the server.

Step 3: Create a Monitoring workspace

Navigation menu --> Monitoring

Run the Monitoring agent install script command in the SSH terminal of your VM instance to install the Cloud Monitoring agent.

curl -sSO
sudo bash
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install stackdriver-agent

Run the Logging agent install script command in the SSH terminal of your VM instance to install the Cloud Logging agent

curl -sSO
sudo bash
sudo apt-get install google-fluentd

Step 4: Create an uptime check

Cloud Console --> Uptime checks (in the left menu) --> Create Uptime Check

 Set the following fields:

Title: GFG Uptime Check, then click Next.
Protocol: HTTP
Resource Type: Instance
Applies to: Single, geeksforgeeks
Path: leave at default
Check Frequency: 1 min

After entering all the necessary fields, click “TEST” . If it responds the way depicted in the below picture, click “CREATE”.

Step 5: Create an alerting policy

  1. In the left menu, click Alerting, and then click Create Policy.
  2. Click Add Condition.
  3. Set the following in the panel that opens:

Step 6: Now select Network traffic (gce_instance+1). Be sure to choose the Network traffic resource with

Step 7: Click on Next.

Step 8: Click on drop-down arrow next to Notification Channels, then click on Manage Notification Channels.

Step 9: Scroll down the page and click on ADD NEW for Email.

Step 10: In Create Email Channel dialog box, enter your personal email address in the Email Address field and a Display name. Click on Save.

Step 11: Go back to the previous Create alerting policy tab.

Step 12: Click on Notification Channels again, then click on the Refresh icon to get the display name you mentioned in the previous step.

Step 13: Now, select your Display name and click OK. Click Next.

Step 14: Mention the Alert name as Inbound Traffic Alert.

Step 15: Add a message in the documentation, which will be included in the emailed alert. Click on Save.

 You’ve created an alert! While you wait for the system to trigger an alert, create a dashboard and chart, and then check out Cloud Logging.

Create a dashboard and chart

 To display the metrics collected by Cloud Monitoring create your own charts and dashboards. In this section, you create the charts for the lab metrics and a custom dashboard.

Step 1: In the left menu select Dashboards, and then Create Dashboard.

Step 2: Name the dashboard Cloud Monitoring GeeksforGeeks.

Step 3: Add the first chart and Click the Line option in the Chart library.

Step 4: Name the chart title CPU Load.

Step 5: Set the Resource type to VM Instance.

Step 6: Set the Metric CPU load (1m). Refresh the tab to view the graph.

View your logs

Cloud Monitoring and Cloud Logging are closely integrated. Check out the logs for your lab.

Select Navigation menu --> Logging --> Logs Explorer.

Select the logs you want to see, in this case, you select the logs for the geeksforgeeks instance you created at the start of this lab:

Resource --> VM instances --> geeksforgeeks

Step 1: Click “ADD”

Step 2: Click “Stream logs”

Step 3: You see the logs for your VM instance

Step 4: Open the Compute Engine window in a new browser window. 

Select Navigation menu --> Compute Engine, right-click VM-instances --> Open link in new window.

Step 5: Move the Logs Viewer browser window next to the Compute Engine window. This makes it easier to view how changes to the VM are reflected in the logs.

Step 6: In the Compute Engine window, select the geeksforgeeks instance, click Stop at the top of the screen, and then confirm to stop the instance.

Step 7: Watch in the Logs View tab for when the VM is stopped.

Step 8: In the VM instance details window, click Start at the top of the screen, and then confirm. It will take a few minutes for the instance to re-start. Watch the log messages to monitor the startup.

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