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Creating Heatmaps with Hierarchical Clustering

Before diving into our actual topic, let’s have an understanding of Heatmaps and Hierarchical Clustering.


Heatmaps are a powerful data visualization tool that can reveal patterns, relationships, and similarities within large datasets. When combined with hierarchical clustering, they become even more insightful. In this brief article, we’ll explore how to create captivating heatmaps with hierarchical clustering in R programming.

Understanding Hierarchical Clustering

Hierarchical Clustering is a powerful data analysis technique used to uncover patterns, relationships, and structures within a dataset. It belongs to the family of unsupervised machine learning algorithms and is particularly useful in exploratory data analysis and data visualization. Hierarchical Clustering is often combined with heatmap visualizations, as demonstrated in this article, to provide a comprehensive understanding of complex datasets.

What is Hierarchical Clustering?

Hierarchical Clustering, as the name suggests, creates a hierarchical or tree-like structure of clusters within the data. It groups similar data points together, gradually forming larger clusters as it moves up the hierarchy. This hierarchical representation is often visualized as a dendrogram, which is a tree diagram that illustrates the arrangement of data points into clusters.

How Does Hierarchical Clustering Work?

Hierarchical Clustering can be performed in two main approaches: Agglomerative (bottom-up) and Divisive (top-down).

Why Use Hierarchical Clustering?

  1. Hierarchy of Clusters: Hierarchical Clustering provides a hierarchical view of how data points are related. This can be particularly useful when there are natural hierarchies or levels of similarity in the data.
  2. Interpretability: The dendrogram generated by Hierarchical Clustering allows for easy interpretation. You can visually identify the number of clusters at different levels of the hierarchy.
  3. No Need for Predefined Number of Clusters: Unlike some other clustering techniques that require you to specify the number of clusters in advance, Hierarchical Clustering doesn’t have this requirement. You can explore the data’s natural structure without making prior assumptions.

Getting Started

Before diving into the code, ensure you have the necessary packages installed. We’ll use thepheatmap package for heatmap visualization and ‘dendextend’ for dendrogram customization. If you haven’t already installed them, run the following commands:


Load the required packages:


Preparing Your Data

For our demonstration, let’s consider a hypothetical gene expression dataset. It’s crucial to have data with clear patterns or relationships to create meaningful heatmaps. Replace this example data with your own dataset as needed.

# Example gene expression data
gene_data <- data.frame(
  Gene = c("Gene1", "Gene2", "Gene3", "Gene4", "Gene5"),
  Sample1 = c(2.3, 1.8, 3.2, 0.9, 2.5),
  Sample2 = c(2.1, 1.7, 3.0, 1.0, 2.4),
  Sample3 = c(2.2, 1.9, 3.1, 0.8, 2.6),
  Sample4 = c(2.4, 1.6, 3.3, 0.7, 2.3),
  Sample5 = c(2.0, 1.5, 3.4, 0.6, 2.7)
# Print the example gene expression data


 Gene Sample1 Sample2 Sample3 Sample4 Sample5
1 Gene1     2.3     2.1     2.2     2.4     2.0
2 Gene2     1.8     1.7     1.9     1.6     1.5
3 Gene3     3.2     3.0     3.1     3.3     3.4
4 Gene4     0.9     1.0     0.8     0.7     0.6
5 Gene5     2.5     2.4     2.6     2.3     2.7

Removing Non-Numeric Labels

# Remove the non-numeric column (Gene names) temporarily
gene_names <- gene_data$Gene
gene_data <- gene_data[, -1]


 Sample1 Sample2 Sample3 Sample4 Sample5
1     2.3     2.1     2.2     2.4     2.0
2     1.8     1.7     1.9     1.6     1.5
3     3.2     3.0     3.1     3.3     3.4
4     0.9     1.0     0.8     0.7     0.6
5     2.5     2.4     2.6     2.3     2.7

Calculating Distances and Performing Hierarchical Clustering

To create meaningful heatmaps, we first calculate distances between data points using various methods. In this case, we’ll use Euclidean, Manhattan, and Pearson correlation distances.

# Calculate distances with different methods
euclidean_dist_rows <- dist(gene_data, method = "euclidean")
manhattan_dist_rows <- dist(gene_data, method = "manhattan")
correlation_dist_rows <- as.dist(1 - cor(gene_data, method = "pearson"))
# Perform hierarchical clustering for rows
complete_clusters_euclidean_rows <- hclust(euclidean_dist_rows, method = "complete")
complete_clusters_manhattan_rows <- hclust(manhattan_dist_rows, method = "complete")
complete_clusters_correlation_rows <- hclust(correlation_dist_rows, method = "complete")
# Calculate distances for columns
euclidean_dist_cols <- dist(t(gene_data), method = "euclidean")
manhattan_dist_cols <- dist(t(gene_data), method = "manhattan")
correlation_dist_cols <- as.dist(1 - cor(t(gene_data), method = "pearson"))
# Perform hierarchical clustering for columns
complete_clusters_euclidean_cols <- hclust(euclidean_dist_cols, method = "complete")
complete_clusters_manhattan_cols <- hclust(manhattan_dist_cols, method = "complete")
complete_clusters_correlation_cols <- hclust(correlation_dist_cols, method = "complete")

In the data analysis process, calculating distances between data points and performing hierarchical clustering are fundamental steps to uncover patterns and relationships within a dataset.

In this code snippet:

We calculate distances using three different methods: Euclidean, Manhattan, and Pearson correlation. Each of these methods offers a unique way to quantify the dissimilarity between data points.

For each distance metric, we perform hierarchical clustering for the rows and columns separately.

We use the “complete” linkage method for hierarchical clustering, which determines the distance between clusters based on the maximum pairwise dissimilarity between their data points.

other linkage methods:

By calculating distances and performing hierarchical clustering for both rows and columns, we gain insights into the structure and relationships within the dataset. These hierarchical clustering’s are essential for creating informative heatmaps, as they determine how the rows and columns should be organized to reveal patterns and similarities effectively.

Generating Distinct Heatmaps:

To gain comprehensive insights into your dataset, we generate three distinct heatmaps, each based on a different distance metric. These heatmaps visually represent the relationships and patterns within your data.

To analyze these heatmaps you must know below 6 points:

Euclidean Distance Heatmap:

         cluster_rows = complete_clusters_euclidean_rows,
         cluster_cols = complete_clusters_euclidean_cols,
         main = "Euclidean Distance Heatmap")


The Euclidean distance heatmap leverages the Euclidean distance metric, providing a view of the pairwise distances between genes and samples. Genes and samples with similar expression profiles cluster together, allowing you to identify groups of genes and samples that share common characteristics or responses. This heatmap is particularly useful for discovering clusters based on the spatial “as-the-crow-flies” distance between data points.

Manhattan Distance Heatmap:

         cluster_rows = complete_clusters_manhattan_rows,
         cluster_cols = complete_clusters_manhattan_cols,
         main = "Manhattan Distance Heatmap")


The Manhattan distance heatmap, on the other hand, employs the Manhattan distance metric. It reveals patterns and clusters within your data based on the sum of absolute differences between coordinates. Unlike the Euclidean distance heatmap, this visualization is robust to outliers and can be more suitable for datasets with variables that do not meet Euclidean assumptions.

Pearson Correlation Distance Heatmap:

         cluster_rows = complete_clusters_correlation_rows,
         cluster_cols = complete_clusters_correlation_cols,
         main = "Pearson Correlation Distance Heatmap")


The Pearson correlation distance heatmap explores linear relationships between genes and samples. It quantifies how genes move together or apart, uncovering co-expression patterns or anti-correlations. This heatmap is valuable for identifying genes that are co-regulated under specific conditions, making it a powerful tool for gene expression analysis.


Creating heatmaps with hierarchical clustering in R is a valuable technique for visualizing complex datasets, such as gene expression or any data with similar patterns. This visualization not only aids in identifying clusters but also provides a clear overview of your data’s structure.

Experiment with different datasets, clustering methods, and color palettes to unlock hidden insights within your data. Heatmaps with hierarchical clustering are your ticket to revealing intricate relationships in a visually stunning way. Explore, analyze, and discover the stories within your data.

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