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CQRS – Command Query Responsibility Segregation Design Pattern

The Command Query Responsibility Segregation (CQRS) design pattern has emerged as a powerful architectural pattern for building complex and scalable software systems. By separating the responsibilities of reading and writing data, CQRS allows for more flexible and efficient designs, particularly in domains with high-performance and scalability requirements. In this article, we will explore the key concepts of CQRS, its benefits and challenges, and how it can be implemented in real-world applications.

What is the CQRS Design Pattern?

CQRS(Common Querry Responsibility Segregation) is a type of design pattern that separates the responsibility of handling commands and queries into different components. CQRS architectural pattern mainly focuses on separating the way of reading and writing the data. It separates the read and update operations on a datastore into two separate models: Queries and Commands, respectively.

Basic Architecture of CQRS Design Pattern

1. Commands

Commands are instructions that indicate a desired change in the state of an entity. these commands execute operations such as Insert, Update, and Delete. they do not return data, but instead, change the application server’s state. each command is an object containing the name of the operation along with the necessary data to perform that operation. 

2. CommandHandlers

CommandHandlers interpret these commands and return an event. this event can be a successful event or a failure event depending on the outcome of the command. If the command is successful, a successful event is created; however, if the command fails, a failure event is created.

3. Queries

Queries are used to retrieve information from a database. Queries objects just return data and make no modifications to it. Queries will solely comprise data retrieval methods. They are used to read data from the database and return it to the client for display in the user interface. The QueryHandlers interpret the queries and return query values.

When to use CQRS Design Pattern?

CQRS is employed in situations when using a single database and model to handle both reads and writes is inefficient. E-commerce websites, financial systems, and real-time analytics are examples of applications that require great scalability, performance, and data complexity.

How to Sync Databases with CQRS Design Pattern?

Synchronizing databases in a system that follows the CQRS (Command Query Responsibility Segregation) pattern can be challenging due to the separation of the write and read sides of the application.

1. Event Sourcing

Event sourcing involves capturing all changes to an application’s state as a sequence of events. These events are stored in an event store and can be replayed to rebuild the state of the application at any point in time. In a CQRS architecture, the write model generates events when commands are processed, and the read model subscribes to these events to update its state.

2. Messaging Systems

Messaging systems such as Kafka, RabbitMQ, or ActiveMQ can be used to decouple the synchronization process between the write and read sides of the application. The write model publishes events to a message queue, and the read model consumes these events to update its state.

Example of CQRS Design Pattern

Let’s understand CQRS Design Pattern through the example of E-commerce Website.

In our Ordering E-commerce microservices architecture, we’re introducing a new approach to database design using the CQRS pattern. We’ve decided to split our databases into two separate parts to better manage our data and improve performance.


To keep these two databases in sync, we’ll implement a messaging system using Apache Kafka. Kafka’s publish/subscribe model will allow us to propagate changes from the write database to the read database in real-time, ensuring that the data remains consistent across both databases.


For the tech stack, we’re considering using MySQL or PostgreSQL for the write database due to their strong support for ACID transactions and relational data modeling. For the read database, we’re leaning towards using MongoDB or Cassandra for their scalability and ability to handle large volumes of data efficiently.

By adopting the CQRS pattern and splitting our databases in this way, we believe we can improve the performance and scalability of our Ordering microservices, providing a better experience for our users.

Use Cases of CQRS Design Pattern

The CQRS (Command Query Responsibility Segregation) design pattern is particularly useful in several scenarios where the separation of read and write operations can bring significant benefits. Some common use cases include:

Benefits of using Command Query Responsibility Segregation(CQRS) Design Pattern

Below are the benefits of CQRS Design Pattern:

Challenges of using Command Query Responsibility Segregation(CQRS) Design Pattern

Below are the challenges of CQRS Design Pattern:

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