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Chain of Responsibility Design Pattern

The Chain of Responsibility design pattern is a behavioral design pattern that allows an object to pass a request along a chain of handlers. Each handler in the chain decides either to process the request or to pass it along the chain to the next handler.

What is the Chain of Responsibility Design Pattern?

Chain of Responsibility Pattern or Chain of Responsibility Method is a Behavioral Design Pattern, which allows an object to send a request to other objects without knowing who is going to handle it.

Characteristics of the Chain of Responsibility Design Pattern

Real-World Analogy of the Chain Of Responsibility Design Pattern

Imagine a customer service department with multiple levels of support staff, each responsible for handling different types of customer inquiries based on their complexity. The chain of responsibility can be illustrated as follows:

Components of the Chain of Responsibility Design Pattern

The Chain of Responsibility Pattern consists of the following key components:

1. Handler Interface or Abstract Class

This is the base class that defines the interface for handling requests and, in many cases, for chaining to the next handler in the sequence.

2. Concrete Handlers

These are the classes that implement how the requests are going to be handled. They can handle the request or pass it to the next handler in the chain if it is unable to handle that request.

3. Client

The request is sent by the client, who then forwards it to the chain’s first handler. Which handler will finally handle the request is unknown to the client.

Chain of Responsibility Design Pattern Example

Imagine a customer support system where customer requests need to be handled based on their priority. There are three levels of support: Level 1, Level 2, and Level 3. Level 1 support handles basic requests, Level 2 support handles more complex requests, and Level 3 support handles critical issues that cannot be resolved by Level 1 or Level 2.

Benefit of Using the Chain of Responsibility in this scenario:

The Chain of Responsibility pattern is beneficial in this situation because it allows us to create a chain of handlers, where each handler can either handle a request or pass it to the next handler in the chain. This way, we can easily add or remove handlers without modifying the client code, providing flexibility and scalability in handling customer requests.

Below is the code of above problem statement using Interpreter Pattern:

Let’s break down into the component wise code:

1. Handler Interface

Defines the interface for handling requests. Includes methods for handling requests (handleRequest()) and setting the next handler in the chain (setNextHandler()).

public interface SupportHandler {
    void handleRequest(Request request);
    void setNextHandler(SupportHandler nextHandler);

2. Concrete Handlers

Implement the SupportHandler interface. Each handler is responsible for handling requests based on its assigned priority level. If a handler can handle the request, it processes it; otherwise, it passes the request to the next handler in the chain.

public class Level1SupportHandler implements SupportHandler {
    private SupportHandler nextHandler;
    public void setNextHandler(SupportHandler nextHandler) {
        this.nextHandler = nextHandler;
    public void handleRequest(Request request) {
        if (request.getPriority() == Priority.BASIC) {
            System.out.println("Level 1 Support handled the request.");
        } else if (nextHandler != null) {
public class Level2SupportHandler implements SupportHandler {
    private SupportHandler nextHandler;
    public void setNextHandler(SupportHandler nextHandler) {
        this.nextHandler = nextHandler;
    public void handleRequest(Request request) {
        if (request.getPriority() == Priority.INTERMEDIATE) {
            System.out.println("Level 2 Support handled the request.");
        } else if (nextHandler != null) {
public class Level3SupportHandler implements SupportHandler {
    public void handleRequest(Request request) {
        if (request.getPriority() == Priority.CRITICAL) {
            System.out.println("Level 3 Support handled the request.");
        } else {
            System.out.println("Request cannot be handled.");
    public void setNextHandler(SupportHandler nextHandler) {
        // No next handler for Level 3

Complete code for the above example

Below is the complete code for the above example:

// Handler Interface
interface SupportHandler {
    void handleRequest(Request request);
    void setNextHandler(SupportHandler nextHandler);
// Concrete Handlers
class Level1SupportHandler implements SupportHandler {
    private SupportHandler nextHandler;
    public void setNextHandler(SupportHandler nextHandler) {
        this.nextHandler = nextHandler;
    public void handleRequest(Request request) {
        if (request.getPriority() == Priority.BASIC) {
            System.out.println("Level 1 Support handled the request.");
        } else if (nextHandler != null) {
class Level2SupportHandler implements SupportHandler {
    private SupportHandler nextHandler;
    public void setNextHandler(SupportHandler nextHandler) {
        this.nextHandler = nextHandler;
    public void handleRequest(Request request) {
        if (request.getPriority() == Priority.INTERMEDIATE) {
            System.out.println("Level 2 Support handled the request.");
        } else if (nextHandler != null) {
class Level3SupportHandler implements SupportHandler {
    public void handleRequest(Request request) {
        if (request.getPriority() == Priority.CRITICAL) {
            System.out.println("Level 3 Support handled the request.");
        } else {
            System.out.println("Request cannot be handled.");
    public void setNextHandler(SupportHandler nextHandler) {
        // No next handler for Level 3
// Request Class
class Request {
    private Priority priority;
    public Request(Priority priority) {
        this.priority = priority;
    public Priority getPriority() {
        return priority;
// Priority Enum
enum Priority {
// Main Class
public class Main {
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        SupportHandler level1Handler = new Level1SupportHandler();
        SupportHandler level2Handler = new Level2SupportHandler();
        SupportHandler level3Handler = new Level3SupportHandler();
        Request request1 = new Request(Priority.BASIC);
        Request request2 = new Request(Priority.INTERMEDIATE);
        Request request3 = new Request(Priority.CRITICAL);

Level 1 Support handled the request.
Level 2 Support handled the request.
Level 3 Support handled the request.

Advantages of the Chain of Responsibility Design Pattern

Disadvantages of the Chain of Responsibility Design Pattern


In conclusion, the Chain of Responsibility pattern is a powerful tool for creating a flexible and extensible chain of handlers to process requests. It promotes loose coupling, making it a valuable addition to your design pattern toolbox when building applications. However, like any design pattern, it should be used judiciously, considering the specific requirements of your application.

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