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Count numbers up to N whose GCD with N is less than that number

Given an integer N, the task is to count the values of K ( where 1 ? K? N ), such that 1< GCD(K, N) < K.


Input: N = 10
Output: 3
Explanation: The values of K which satisfies the given conditions are: 

  • K = 4, gcd(4, 10) = 2
  • K = 6, gcd(6, 10) = 2
  • K = 8, gcd(8, 10) = 2

Input: N = 15
Output: 4
Explanation: The values of K which satisfies the given conditions are: 

  • K = 6, gcd(6, 15) = 3
  • K = 9, gcd(9, 15) = 3
  • K = 10, gcd(10, 15) = 5
  • K = 12, gcd(12, 15) = 3

Naive Approach: The simplest approach is to iterate over the range [1, N], and check for each number, whether it satisfies the given condition or not. Finally, print the count of such numbers.

Time Complexity: O(N*log(N))
Auxiliary Space: O(1) 

Efficient Approach: The idea is to find all the numbers in the range [1, N], for which gcd(K, N) = 1 and gcd(K, N) = K and then finally remove all these numbers from N to get the final answer. Follow the steps below to solve the problem:

Below is the implementation of the above approach:

// C++ program for the above approach
#include <bits/stdc++.h>
using namespace std;
// Store the all prime numbers
// using Sieve of Eratosthenes
const int MAXN = 100001;
vector<int> spf;
// Function to fill the prime numbers
// using Sieve of Eratosthenes
void sieve()
    // Create a boolean array and
    // initialize all entries it as 0
    int p[MAXN + 1] = { 0 };
    p[2] = 1;
    for (long long int i = 3; i < MAXN; i += 2) {
        p[i] = 1;
    // Push the first prime number
    for (long long i = 3; i < MAXN; i += 2) {
        // If the current number is prime
        if (p[i]) {
            // Store the prime numbers
            // in spf which is prime
            // Mark all its multiples as false
            for (long long int j = i * i; j < MAXN;
                 j += 2 * i)
                p[j] = 0;
// Function to count the values of K where
// 1?K?N such that 1< gcd(K, N) < K
void countK(int N)
    // Precalculate prime numbers
    int N1 = N;
    // Store the smallest prime number
    int div = spf[0];
    int index = 1, C = 0;
    // Store the count of those numbers in the
    // range [1, N] for which gcd(N, K) = K
    int count1 = 1;
    // Store the count of those numbers from
    // the range [1, N] such that gcd(N, K) = 1
    float count2 = N;
    // Iterate through all prime factors of N
    while (div * div <= N) {
        if (N % div == 0) {
            C = 0;
            while (N % div == 0) {
                N /= div;
            count1 = count1 * (C + 1);
            // count2 is determined by
            // Euler's Totient Function
            count2 *= (1.0 - (1.0 / (float)div));
        div = spf[index];
    if (N != 1) {
        count1 *= 2;
        count2 = count2 * (1.0 - (1.0 / (float)N));
    int ans = N1 - count1 - count2;
    // Add 1 to result as 1 is contributed
    // twice due to count1 and count2
    ans = ans + 1;
    // Print the result
    cout << ans;
// Driver Code
int main()
    // Given Input
    int N = 10;
    // Function Call
    return 0;

// Java code to implement the approach
import java.util.ArrayList;
class GFG {
    // Store the all prime numbers
    // using Sieve of Eratosthenes
    private static final int MAXN = 100001;
    private static ArrayList<Integer> spf
        = new ArrayList<>();
    // Function to fill the prime numbers
    // using Sieve of Eratosthenes
    private static void sieve()
        // Create a boolean array and
        // initialize all entries it as 0
        int[] p = new int[MAXN + 1];
        p[2] = 1;
        for (long i = 3; i < MAXN; i += 2) {
            p[(int)i] = 1;
        // Push the first prime number
        for (long i = 3; i < MAXN; i += 2) {
            // If the current number is prime
            if (p[(int)i] == 1) {
                // Store the prime numbers
                // in spf which is prime
                // Mark all its multiples as false
                for (long j = i * i; j < MAXN; j += 2 * i)
                    p[(int)j] = 0;
    // Function to count the values of K where
    // 1 <= K <= N such that 1< gcd(K, N) < K
    private static void countK(int N)
        // Precalculate prime numbers
        int N1 = N;
        // Store the smallest prime number
        int div = spf.get(0);
        int index = 1, C = 0;
        // Store the count of those numbers in the
        // range [1, N] for which gcd(N, K) = K
        int count1 = 1;
        // Store the count of those numbers from
        // the range [1, N] such that gcd(N, K) = 1
        double count2 = N;
        // Iterate through all prime factors of N
        while (div * div <= N) {
            if (N % div == 0) {
                C = 0;
                while (N % div == 0) {
                    N /= div;
                count1 = count1 * (C + 1);
                // count2 is determined by
                // Euler's Totient Function
                count2 *= (1.0 - (1.0 / (double)div));
            div = spf.get(index);
        if (N != 1) {
            count1 *= 2;
            count2 = count2 * (1.0 - (1.0 / (double)N));
        int ans = N1 - count1 - (int)count2;
        // Add 1 to result as 1 is contributed
        // twice due to count1 and count2
        ans = ans + 1;
        // Print the result
    // Driver Code
    public static void main(String[] args)
        int N = 10;
        // Function call
// This code is contributed by phasing17

# Python3 program for the above approach
# Store the all prime numbers
# using Sieve of Eratosthenes
MAXN = 100001
spf = []
# Function to fill the prime numbers
# using Sieve of Eratosthenes
def sieve():
    global MAXN
    # Create a boolean array and
    # initialize all entries it as 0
    p = [0] * (MAXN + 1)
    p[2] = 1
    for i in range(3, MAXN, 2):
        p[i] = 1
    # Push the first prime number
    for i in range(3, MAXN, 2):
        # If the current number is prime
        if (p[i]):
            # Store the prime numbers
            # in spf which is prime
            # Mark all its multiples as false
            for j in range(i * i, MAXN, 2 * i):
                p[j] = 0
# Function to count the values of K where
# 1?K?N such that 1< gcd(K, N) < K
def countK(N):
    # Precalculate prime numbers
    N1 = N
    # Store the smallest prime number
    div = spf[0]
    index, C = 1, 0
    # Store the count of those numbers in the
    # range [1, N] for which gcd(N, K) = K
    count1 = 1
    # Store the count of those numbers from
    # the range [1, N] such that gcd(N, K) = 1
    count2 = N
    # Iterate through all prime factors of N
    while (div * div <= N):
        if (N % div == 0):
            C = 0
            while (N % div == 0):
                N //= div
                C += 1
            count1 = count1 * (C + 1)
            # count2 is determined by
            # Euler's Totient Function
            count2 *= (1.0 - (1.0 / div))
        div = spf[index]
        index += 1
    if (N != 1):
        count1 *= 2
        count2 = count2 * (1.0 - (1.0 / N))
    ans = N1 - count1 - count2
    # Add 1 to result as 1 is contributed
    # twice due to count1 and count2
    ans = ans + 1
    # Print the result
# Driver Code
if __name__ == '__main__':
    # Given Input
    N = 10
    # Function Call
# This code is contributed by mohit kumar 29

// C# code to implement the approach
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
class GFG
  // Store the all prime numbers
  // using Sieve of Eratosthenes
  private const int MAXN = 100001;
  private static List<int> spf = new List<int>();
  // Function to fill the prime numbers
  // using Sieve of Eratosthenes
  private static void sieve()
    // Create a boolean array and
    // initialize all entries it as 0
    int[] p = new int[MAXN + 1];
    p[2] = 1;
    for (long i = 3; i < MAXN; i += 2) {
      p[i] = 1;
    // Push the first prime number
    for (long i = 3; i < MAXN; i += 2) {
      // If the current number is prime
      if (p[i] == 1) {
        // Store the prime numbers
        // in spf which is prime
        // Mark all its multiples as false
        for (long j = i * i; j < MAXN; j += 2 * i)
          p[j] = 0;
  // Function to count the values of K where
  // 1?K?N such that 1< gcd(K, N) < K
  private static void countK(int N)
    // Precalculate prime numbers
    int N1 = N;
    // Store the smallest prime number
    int div = spf[0];
    int index = 1, C = 0;
    // Store the count of those numbers in the
    // range [1, N] for which gcd(N, K) = K
    int count1 = 1;
    // Store the count of those numbers from
    // the range [1, N] such that gcd(N, K) = 1
    double count2 = N;
    // Iterate through all prime factors of N
    while (div * div <= N) {
      if (N % div == 0) {
        C = 0;
        while (N % div == 0) {
          N /= div;
        count1 = count1 * (C + 1);
        // count2 is determined by
        // Euler's Totient Function
        count2 *= (1.0 - (1.0 / (double)div));
      div = spf[index];
    if (N != 1) {
      count1 *= 2;
      count2 = count2 * (1.0 - (1.0 / (double)N));
    int ans = N1 - count1 - (int)count2;
    // Add 1 to result as 1 is contributed
    // twice due to count1 and count2
    ans = ans + 1;
    // Print the result
  // Driver Code
  static void Main(string[] args)
    int N = 10;
    // Function call
// This code is contributed by phasing17

// Javascript program for the above approach
// Store the all prime numbers
// using Sieve of Eratosthenes
var MAXN = 100001;
var spf = [];
// Function to fill the prime numbers
// using Sieve of Eratosthenes
function sieve()
// Create a boolean array and
    // initialize all entries it as 0
    var p = Array(MAXN + 1).fill(0);
    p[2] = 1;
    for (var i = 3; i < MAXN; i += 2) {
        p[i] = 1;
    // Push the first prime number
    for (var i = 3; i < MAXN; i += 2) {
        // If the current number is prime
        if (p[i]) {
            // Store the prime numbers
            // in spf which is prime
            // Mark all its multiples as false
            for (var j = i * i; j < MAXN;
                 j += 2 * i)
                p[j] = 0;
// Function to count the values of K where
// 1?K?N such that 1< gcd(K, N) < K
function countK(N)
    // Precalculate prime numbers
    var N1 = N;
    // Store the smallest prime number
    var div = spf[0];
    var index = 1, C = 0;
    // Store the count of those numbers in the
    // range [1, N] for which gcd(N, K) = K
    var count1 = 1;
    // Store the count of those numbers from
    // the range [1, N] such that gcd(N, K) = 1
    var count2 = N;
    // Iterate through all prime factors of N
    while (div * div <= N) {
        if (N % div == 0) {
            C = 0;
            while (N % div == 0) {
                N /= div;
            count1 = count1 * (C + 1);
            // count2 is determined by
            // Euler's Totient Function
            count2 *= (1.0 - (1.0 / div));
        div = spf[index];
    if (N != 1) {
        count1 *= 2;
        count2 = count2 * (1.0 - (1.0 / N));
    var ans = N1 - count1 - count2;
    // Add 1 to result as 1 is contributed
    // twice due to count1 and count2
    ans = ans + 1;
    // Print the result
// Driver Code
// Given Input
var N = 10;
// Function Call
// This code is contributed by rutvik_56.



Time Complexity: O(N*log(log(N)))
 Auxiliary Space: O(N) 

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