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Which One to Use Context API or Redux in Your Next React Project

Using real-life examples, we can easily understand Which One to Use Context API or Redux in Your Next React Project. Consider a kitchen with a shopping list organizer. Take the case when using a Context API. It can be assumed as a common whiteboard in the kitchen where the shopping list is displayed and anyone can see it and change it. What if the shopping list organizer was Redux? When this list organizer is a redux it can be seen as an advanced version where all the people in the kitchen not only see the list but each update in the list can be tracked down to the person who made the changes. Thus, GraphQL can be considered as a list organizer that keeps track of each operation, and Context API is used for simpler tasks.

Therefore, in this article, we’ve explained the differences between Redux and Context API in a way that’s easy to understand, helping you grasp how they work differently in React apps.

What is Redux?

Redux is an open-source JavaScript library for managing and centralizing application state. Modern web applications are represented as a complex tree of components that produce and share data called state. Redux is a pattern and library that helps developers implement complex state requirements at scale. It was developed by Dan Abramov and Andrew Clark at Facebook in 2015. Redux is written in Typescript and has cross-platform compatibility.

To get started, install a React app,

1. Install Redux toolkit.

npm install @reduxjs/toolkit react-redux

2. Create Slice

import { createSlice, PayloadAction } from '@reduxjs/toolkit';

const initialState: State = {
toppings: [‘corn’]

const pizzaSlice = createSlice({
name: 'pizza',
reducers: {
addTopping: (state, action) => {
state.toppings = [...state.toppings, action.toppings];


export const { addTopping } = pizzaSlice.actions;
export default pizzaSlice.reducer;

3. Create a Redux Store with the Slice

import { configureStore } from '@reduxjs/toolkit';
import pizzaReducer from './pizzaSlice';
const store = configureStore({
reducer: {
pizza: pizzaReducer
export default store;

4. Create a Store for your react components and wrap your component with a Provider from the Redux Library.

import React from 'react';
import { Provider } from 'react-redux';
import store from './store';
import Pizza from './Pizza';
const App = () => {
return (
<Provider store={store}>
<Pizza />
export default App;

Components of Redux

There are three main components of Redux; Store, Actions, and Reducers.

  1. Store – Store is a Javascript object that holds the state of the application.
  2. Actions – Actions are the events defining the changes to the state and sending data to the Redux store.
  3. Reducers – Reducers are pure functions that take a state and actions input and return a state as an output.

Features of Redux

Limitations of Redux

Use Cases

Redux is a suitable choice when:

What is Context API?

The React Context API allows a React app to effectively produce global variables that can be passed around. It is a state management solution provided by React. Using it we can create what is known as a context and the context provides values like states and functions. It can be consumed by a group of components that are wrapped around the context.

To get started with Context API,

1. Create a Context.

import { createContext } from 'react';

export const AppContext = createContext(“”);

2. Create a Provider for the Context.

import { useState, React } from "react";
import { AppContext } from "./AppContext";
import AppComponent from "./AppComponent";
function App() {
const [text, setText] = useState("");
return (
<AppContext.Provider value={{ text, setText }}>
<AppComponent />
export default App;

3. Using Context in React Component.

import { useContext } from 'react';
import { AppContext } from './AppContext';
function AppComponent() {
const { text, setText } = useContext(AppContext);
return (
<button onClick={() => setText('Geeks for Geeks')}>
Click me
export default AppComponent;

Components of Context API

There are two main components of React Context; Provider and Consumer.

  1. Provider – Providers are used to define and keep track of specific pieces of state. This component is responsible for providing the data that is shared across the components.
  2. Consumer – Consumers are responsible for modifying the state provided by the provider.

Advantages of Context API

Limitations of Context API

Use Cases

Context API is a suitable choice when:

Redux vs Context API: Key Differences



Context API

Approach to State Management Redux uses a centralized store where actions and reducers modify the state. Context API uses a decentralized approach where the state is passed through the component tree using provider and consumer.
Components Store, Actions, and Reducers Provider and Consumer
Performance High performance with large applications. Simple use and limited to small-scale applications.
Setup Requirements Redux requires a prior setup to be effectively integrated with the React application. Context API requires minimal setup.
Debugging With effective Redux Dev Tools debugging becomes easier. Debugging is difficult in the case of a nested component tree.
Integration Can be easily integrated with other front-end frameworks. Can be integrated natively with React components.
Ease of Use Redux is suitable for experienced developers. Can be integrated natively with React components
Size of Application Redux is suitable for large and complex applications. Context API is suitable for small applications.


In conclusion, in this article, we went through what Redux and Context APIs are, their components, advantages, limitations, and use cases. On drawing a comparison between the two, it can be concluded that Redux can be used by experienced professionals and is more suitable with large applications for better performance. On the other hand, Context API can be used by beginners and is more suitable for small and medium-sized applications for better performance. The main difference between the two is the approach to state management. Redux uses a centralized approach with store, actions, and producers as its components, and Context API uses a decentralized approach with providers and consumers as its components.


Can Context API be used in place of Redux?

For simpler applications, React Context is sufficient to maintain the application but for larger applications, Redux becomes necessary.

Can Context and Redux be used together in an application?

Yes, React Context and Redux can be used together in a single application with some parts maintained by Redux and some by React Context.

What is the difference in the learning curve for Redux and React Context?

Redux has a steeper learning curve as compared to React Context which is much easier to learn.

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