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Class 10 RD Sharma Solution – Chapter 7 Statistics – Exercise 7.4 | Set 2

Question 11. An incomplete distribution is given below :

Variable 10-20 20-30 30-40 40-50 50-60 60-70 70-80
Frequency 12 30 65 25 18

You are given that the median value is 46 and the total number of items is 230.

(i) Using the median formula fill up missing frequencies.

(ii) Calculate the AM of the completed distribution.


Let us assume p1, and p2 to be the missing frequencies

Median = 46 and N = 230

Variable Frequency (f) cf
10-20 12 12
20-30 30 42
30-40 p1 42+p1
40-50 65 107+p1
50-60 p2 107+p1+p2
60-70 25 132+p1+p2
70-80 18 150+p1+p2
Total  230  

∴ 150 + p1 + p2 = 230

⇒ p1+p2 = 230 – 150 = 80

∴ p2 = 80-p1 …..(i)

Since, median = 46 which lies in the class interval belonging to 40-50

∴ I = 40, f= 65, F = 42 +p1, h = 10

⇒ 39 = 73 – p1

⇒ p1 = 73 -39 = 34

∴ p2 – 80 – p1 = 80 – 34 = 46

Therefore, the missing frequencies are 34, and 46.

Let the assumed mean (A) be 45.

Variable Class Marks (x) Frequency (f)

d = x -A 

A = 45

fi * di
10-20 15 12 -30 -360
20-30 25 30 -20 -600
30-40 35 34 -10 -340
40-50 45 – A 65 0 0
50-60 55 46 10 460
60-70 65 25 20 500
70-80 75 18 30 540
Total   230   200

= 45 + 0.8695

= 45 + 0.87

= 45.87

Question 12. If the median of the following frequency distribution is 28.5 find the missing frequencies:

Class interval 0-10 20-30 30-40 40-50 50-60 Total
Frequency 5 f1 15 f2 5 60


Mean = 28.5, N = 60

Class interval Frequency c.f
0-10 5 5
10-20 f1 5 +f
20-30 20 25 + f1
30-40 15 40 + f1
40-50 f2 40 + f1 + f2
50-60 5 45 + f1 + f2
Total  60  


45 + f1 + f2 = 60

=> f1 + f2 = 60 – 45 = 15

=> f2 = 15 – f1

17 = 25 – f1

N/2 = 30 

Now, Median = 28.5 and it lies in the class interval of 20-30


l = 20, F = 5 + f1, f= 20 and h = 10

⇒ f1= 25 -17 = 8

and f2 = 15-f1 = 15-8 = 7

Therefore, the missing frequencies are 8 and 7 respectively. 

Question 13. The median of the following data is 525. Find the missing frequency, if it is given that there are 100 observations in the data:

Class Interval Frequency Class Interval Frequency
0-100 2 500-600 20
100-200 5 600-700 f2
200-300 f1 700-800 9
300-400 12 800-900 7
400-500 17 900-1000 4


Median = 525, N = 100

Class Interval Frequency c.f.
0-100 2 2
100-200 5 7
200-300 f1 7 + f1
300-400 12 19 + f1
400-500 17 36 + f1
500-600 20 56 + f1
600-700 f2 56 + f1 + f2
700-800 9 65 + f1 + f2
800-900 7 72 + f1 + f2
900-1000 4 76 + f1 + f2
Total 100  


76 + f1 + f2 = 100 => f1 + f2 = 100 – 76 = 26

f = 24 – f1


Median = 525 which belongs to the interval 500-600

Now, l =500, F = 36 + f1, f =20, h = 100



⇒ 525 – 500 = (14 -f1) x 5

⇒ 25 = 70- 5f1

⇒ 5f1 = 70 – 25 = 45

⇒ f1 = 455 = 9

and f2 = 24 – f1 = 24 – 9 = 15

Hence, we obtain the values for f1 = 9, f2 = 15.

Question 14. If the median of the following data is 32.5, find the missing frequencies.

Class interval 0-10 10-20 20-30 30-40 40-50 50-60 60-70 Total
Frequency f1 5 9 12 f2 3 2 40


Mean = 32.5 and N= 40

Class interval Frequency (f) c.f.
0-10 f1 f1
10-20 5 5 + f1
20-30 9 14 + f1
30-40 12 26 + f1
40-50 f2 26 + f1 + f2
50-60 3 29 + f1 + f2
60-70 2 31 + f1 + f2

Now, we know, 

Solving, we get,

⇒ 2.5 x 12 = 60 – 10f1

⇒ 30 = 60 – 10f1

⇒ 10f1 = 60-30 = 30

⇒ f1 = 30/10 =3

∴ f2 = 9 – f1 = 9-3 = 6

Hence, f1 = 3, f2= 6

Question 15. Compute the median for each of the following data:


Marks No. of students (ii) Marks No. of students
Less than 10 0 More than 150 0
Less than 30 10 More than 140 12
Less than 50 25 More than 130 27
Less than 70 43 More than 120 60
Less than 90 65 More than 110 105
Less than 110 87 More than 100 124
Less than 130 96 More than 90 141
Less than 150 100 More than 80 150


(i) Less than

Marks c.f f
0-10 0 0
10-30 10 10
30-50 25 15
50-70 43 18
70-90 65 22
90-110 87 22
110-130 96 9
130-150 100 4

We have, N= 100

∴N/2 = 100/2 = 50 which lies in the class  interval belonging to 70-90 (∵ 50 < 65 and > 43)

∴ l = 70, F =43 , f = 22 ,h = 20

(ii) Greater than

Marks c.f f
More than 150 (150-160) 0 0
140-150 12 12
130-140 27 15
120-130 60 35
110-120 105 45
100-110 124 19
90-100 141 17
80-90 150 9

We have,

N = 150, N/2 = 150/2 = 75 which lies in the class interval belonging to 110-120 (∵ 75 > 105 and 75 > 60)

∴ l = 110, F = 60 , f=45, h= 10

Question 16. A survey regarding the height (in cm) of 51 girls of class X of a school was conducted and the following data was obtained.

Height in cm Number of girls
Less than 140 4
Less than 145 11
Less than 150 29
Less than 155 40
Less than 160 46
Less than 165 51

Find the median height.


Height (in cm) No of girls (c.f) F
135 – 140 4 4
140 – 145 11 7
145 – 150 29 18
150 – 155 40 11
155 – 160 46 6
160 – 165 51 5

Here, ∑F/2 = 51/2 = 25.5 or 26 which lies in the class interval belonging to 145-150


l= 145, F= 11, f= 18, h= 5

= 145 + 4.03 = 149.03

Question 17. A life insurance agent found the following data for distribution of ages of 100 policy holders. Calculate the median age, if policies are only given to persons having age 18 years onward but less than 60 years.

Age in years Number of policy holders
Below 20 2
Below 25 6
Below 30 24
Below 35 45
Below 40 78
Below 45 89
Below 50 92
Below 55 98
Below 60 100


Age in years

No of policy holders


15-20 2 2
20-25 6 4
25-30 24 18
30-35 45 21
35-40 78 33
40-45 89 11
45-50 92 3
50-55 98 6
55-60 100 2
Total   100

Here N = 100, N/2 = 100/2 = 50 which lies in the class interval of 35-40 ( ∵ 45 > 50> 78)


l = 35, F = 45, f= 33, h = 5

= 35 + 0.76 = 35.76

Question 18. The lengths of 40 leaves of a plant are measured correct to the nearest millimetre, and the data obtained is represented in the following table:

Length (in mm) 118-126 127-135 136-144 145-153 154-162 163-171 172-180
No of leaves 3 5 9 12 5 4 2

Find the mean length of leaf.


Length (in mm)

(in exclusive form)

No. of leaves (f) c.f.
117.5 – 126.5 3 3
126.5 – 135.5 5 8
135.5 – 144.5 9 17
144.5 – 153.5 12 29
153.5 – 162.5 5 34
162.5 – 171.5 4 38
171.5 – 180.5 2 40

N = 40, N/2 = 40/2 = 20 which lies in the class interval of 144.5-153.5 as 17 < 20 < 29


l= 144.5, F= 17, f= 12, h = 9

= 144.5 + 2.25 = 146.75

Question 19. An incomplete distribution is given as follows :

Variable 0-10 10-20 20-30 30-40 40-50 50-60 60-70
Frequency 10 20 ? 40 ? 25 15

You are given that the median value is 35 and the sum of all the frequencies is 170. Using the median formula, fill up the missing frequencies.


Median = 25 and ∑f= N = 170

Let us assume x and y to be the two missing frequencies

Variable Frequency c.f
0-10 10 10
10-20 20 30
20-30 x 30+x
30-40 40 70+x
40-50 y 70+x+y
50-60 25 95+x+y
60-70 15 110+x+y

∴ 110 + x +y = 170

⇒ x + y = 170 – 110 = 60

Here, we have,

 N = 170, N/2 = 170/2 = 85

Therefore, Median = 35 which lies in the class interval belonging to 30-40

Here l = 30, f= 40, F = 30 + x and h = 10

20 = 55 – x

⇒ x = 55 – 20 = 35


x + y = 60

Solving for y, we get,

∴ y = 60 – x = 60 – 35 = 25

Hence missing frequencies x and y are 35 and 25.

Question 20. The median of the distribution given below is 14.4. Find the values of x and y, if the total frequency is 20.

Class interval 0-6 6-12 12-18 18-24 24-30
Frequency 4 x 5 y 1


Class interval Frequency Cumulative Frequency
0-6 4 4
6-12 x 4+x
12-18 5 9+x
18-24 y 9+x+y
24-30 1 10+x+y

We know, n = 20


10 + x + y – 20, 

=> x+y= 10 …(i)


Median = 14.4 which lies in the class interval belonging to 12-18

So, l = 12, f= 5, cf = 4 + x, h = 6

Solving for x, we get, 

x = 6 ….(ii)


y = 6 

Question 21. The median of the following data is SO. Find the values of p and q, if the sum of all the frequencies is 90.

Marks: 20-30 30-40 40-50 50-60 60-70 70-80 80-90
Frequency: p 15 25 20 q 8 10


Marks Frequency Cumulative Frequency
20-30 p p
30-40 15 15 + p 
40-50 25 40 + p = cf
50-60 20 = f 60 + p
60-70 q 60 + p + q
70-80 68 + p + q
80-90 10 78 + p + q

Given, N = 90

And, N/2 = 90/2 = 45 which lies in the class interval 50-60


Lower limit, l = 50, f= 20, cf= 40 + p, h = 10

Obtaining values, we get, 

∴ P = 5

Also, 78 +p + q = 90

⇒ 78 + 5 + q = 90

⇒ q = 90-83

∴ q = 7

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