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C program to draw the Taj Mahal using graphics

In Turbo C graphics the graphics.h functions are used to draw different shapes(like a circle, rectangle, etc), display text(any message) in different formats (different fonts and colors). By using graphics.h programs, animations, and also games can be designed. These can be useful for beginners.

Function Used:


// C program to implement
// the above approach
#include <conio.h>
#include <graphics.h>
#include <stdio.h>
// Declaring functions used
// in this program
void taj_body();
void left_minars();
void right_minars();
// Driver Code
void main()
    int gd = DETECT, gm;
    // Initialize of gdriver with
    // DETECT macros
    initgraph(&gd, &gm, "C:\\turboc3\\bgi");
    // Calling taj_body() function
    // Calling left_minars() function
    // Calling right_minars() function
    // Holding screen for a while
    // Close the initialized gdriver
void taj_body()
    // Main Base
    rectangle(10, 650, 1350, 680);
    rectangle(550, 300, 800, 650);
    rectangle(540, 290, 810, 650);
    // Left Door Line
    line(600, 650, 600, 400);
    // Right Door Line
    line(750, 650, 750, 400);
    line(600, 400, 675, 390);
    line(675, 390, 750, 400);
    arc(675, 240, 330, 210, 155);
    // Main Finial
    line(655, 85, 675, 30);
    line(675, 30, 695, 87);
    // Left Side
    line(540, 315, 445, 315);
    arc(490, 315, 0, 180, 45);
    // Left Finial
    line(480, 270, 490, 250);
    line(490, 250, 500, 270);
    // Left Vertical Line
    line(445, 315, 445, 355);
    // Lower Left Join
    line(445, 355, 540, 355);
    // Again Lower Left Join
    line(445, 375, 540, 375);
    // Left Tangent
    line(445, 355, 375, 370);
    // Lower Left Tangent
    line(445, 375, 375, 390);
    // Left Last Vertical
    line(375, 370, 375, 650);
    // Middle Left Rectangle
    rectangle(450, 390, 530, 650);
    // Left Rectangle Divider
    line(450, 520, 530, 520);
    // Left Rectangle Side Structure
    line(440, 650, 440, 390);
    line(385, 650, 385, 405);
    line(440, 390, 385, 405);
    // Divider
    line(440, 520, 385, 520);
    // Creating Left Lower Spike
    line(460, 650, 460, 585);
    line(520, 650, 520, 585);
    line(460, 585, 490, 555);
    line(520, 585, 490, 555);
    // Creating Left Upper Spike
    line(460, 520, 460, 455);
    line(520, 520, 520, 455);
    line(460, 455, 490, 425);
    line(520, 455, 490, 425);
    // Right Side
    line(810, 315, 905, 315);
    arc(860, 315, 0, 180, 45);
    // Right Finial
    line(850, 270, 860, 250);
    line(860, 250, 870, 270);
    // Right Vertical Line
    line(905, 315, 905, 355);
    line(905, 355, 810, 355);
    // Lower Right Join
    line(905, 355, 810, 355);
    // Again Right Left Join
    line(905, 375, 810, 375);
    // Right Tangent
    line(905, 355, 975, 370);
    // Lower Right Tangent
    line(905, 375, 975, 390);
    // Right Last Vertical
    line(975, 370, 975, 650);
    // Middle Right Rectangle
    rectangle(820, 390, 900, 650);
    // Right Rectangle Divider
    line(820, 520, 900, 520);
    // Right Rectangle Side Structure
    line(910, 650, 910, 390);
    line(965, 650, 965, 405);
    line(910, 390, 965, 405);
    // Divider
    line(910, 520, 965, 520);
    // Creating Right Lower Spike
    line(830, 650, 830, 585);
    line(890, 650, 890, 585);
    line(830, 585, 860, 555);
    line(890, 585, 860, 555);
    // Creating Right Upper Spike
    line(830, 520, 830, 455);
    line(890, 520, 890, 455);
    line(830, 455, 860, 425);
    line(890, 455, 860, 425);
void left_minars()
    // 1st Left Minar
    // 1st Step
    line(20, 650, 30, 500);
    line(120, 650, 110, 500);
    line(110, 500, 30, 500);
    // 2nd Step
    line(30, 500, 20, 480);
    line(110, 500, 120, 480);
    line(120, 480, 20, 480);
    line(30, 480, 40, 330);
    line(110, 480, 100, 330);
    line(40, 330, 100, 330);
    line(40, 330, 30, 310);
    line(100, 330, 110, 310);
    line(110, 310, 30, 310);
    // 3rd Step
    line(40, 310, 50, 160);
    line(100, 310, 90, 160);
    line(50, 160, 90, 160);
    line(50, 160, 40, 140);
    line(90, 160, 100, 140);
    line(40, 140, 100, 140);
    line(40, 140, 60, 120);
    line(100, 140, 80, 120);
    line(60, 120, 80, 120);
    line(60, 120, 70, 100);
    line(70, 100, 80, 120);
    // 2nd Left Minar
    // 1st Step
    line(170, 650, 180, 575);
    line(270, 650, 260, 575);
    line(180, 575, 260, 575);
    // 2nd Step
    line(180, 575, 170, 555);
    line(260, 575, 270, 555);
    line(170, 555, 270, 555);
    line(180, 555, 190, 480);
    line(260, 555, 250, 480);
    line(190, 480, 250, 480);
    // 3rd Step
    line(190, 480, 180, 460);
    line(250, 480, 260, 460);
    line(180, 460, 260, 460);
    line(190, 460, 200, 385);
    line(250, 460, 240, 385);
    line(200, 385, 240, 385);
    line(200, 385, 190, 365);
    line(240, 385, 250, 365);
    line(190, 365, 250, 365);
    line(190, 365, 210, 345);
    line(250, 365, 230, 345);
    line(210, 345, 230, 345);
    line(210, 345, 220, 325);
    line(220, 325, 230, 345);
void right_minars()
    // 1st Right Minar
    // 1st Step
    line(1340, 650, 1330, 500);
    line(1240, 650, 1250, 500);
    line(1330, 500, 1250, 500);
    // 2nd Step
    line(1330, 500, 1340, 480);
    line(1250, 500, 1240, 480);
    line(1240, 480, 1340, 480);
    line(1330, 480, 1320, 330);
    line(1250, 480, 1260, 330);
    line(1320, 330, 1260, 330);
    line(1320, 330, 1330, 310);
    line(1260, 330, 1250, 310);
    line(1250, 310, 1330, 310);
    // 3rd Step
    line(1320, 310, 1310, 160);
    line(1260, 310, 1270, 160);
    line(1310, 160, 1270, 160);
    line(1310, 160, 1320, 140);
    line(1270, 160, 1260, 140);
    line(1320, 140, 1260, 140);
    line(1320, 140, 1300, 120);
    line(1260, 140, 1280, 120);
    line(1300, 120, 1280, 120);
    line(1280, 120, 1290, 100);
    line(1290, 100, 1300, 120);
    // 2nd Right Minar
    // 1st Step
    line(1090, 650, 1100, 575);
    line(1190, 650, 1180, 575);
    line(1100, 575, 1180, 575);
    // 2nd Step
    line(1100, 575, 1090, 555);
    line(1180, 575, 1190, 555);
    line(1090, 555, 1190, 555);
    line(1100, 555, 1110, 480);
    line(1180, 555, 1170, 480);
    line(1110, 480, 1170, 480);
    // 3rd Step
    line(1110, 480, 1100, 460);
    line(1170, 480, 1180, 460);
    line(1180, 460, 1100, 460);
    line(1110, 460, 1120, 385);
    line(1170, 460, 1160, 385);
    line(1120, 385, 1160, 385);
    line(1110, 365, 1120, 385);
    line(1160, 385, 1170, 365);
    line(1110, 365, 1170, 365);
    line(1110, 365, 1130, 345);
    line(1170, 365, 1150, 345);
    line(1130, 345, 1150, 345);
    line(1130, 345, 1140, 325);
    line(1140, 325, 1150, 345);



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