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Bus Reservation System in C

Bus Reservation System is a tool that allows users to book tickets for their journey in advance. It offers multiple features to provide a hassle-free experience to a traveler. This article aims at building a rudimentary Bus Reservation System.

Components of the Bus Reservation System

The program employs frameworks to organize data for buses, passengers, and users. It also has menus for both the main menu (login) and the user menu (booking, canceling, and checking status).

Note: This is a simple example; in a real-world scenario, you would want to improve security, error handling, and data durability, potentially by storing user and booking information in file storage or a database.

Implementation of Bus Reservation System

// C Program to implement Bus Reservation System
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
// Define a structure to store bus information
struct Bus {
    int busNumber;
    char source[50];
    char destination[50];
    int totalSeats;
    int availableSeats;
    float fare;
// Define a structure to store passenger information
struct Passenger {
    char name[50];
    int age;
    int seatNumber;
    int busNumber;
// Define a structure to store user login information
struct User {
    char username[50];
    char password[50];
// Function to display the main menu
void displayMainMenu()
    printf("\n=== Bus Reservation System ===\n");
    printf("1. Login\n");
    printf("2. Exit\n");
    printf("Enter your choice: ");
// Function to display the user menu
void displayUserMenu()
    printf("\n=== User Menu ===\n");
    printf("1. Book a Ticket\n");
    printf("2. Cancel a Ticket\n");
    printf("3. Check Bus Status\n");
    printf("4. Logout\n");
    printf("Enter your choice: ");
// Function to perform user login
int loginUser(struct User users[], int numUsers,
              char username[], char password[])
    for (int i = 0; i < numUsers; i++) {
        if (strcmp(users[i].username, username) == 0
            && strcmp(users[i].password, password) == 0) {
            return i; // Return the index of the logged-in
                      // user
    return -1; // Return -1 if login fails
// Function to book a ticket
void bookTicket(struct Bus buses[], int numBuses,
                struct Passenger passengers[],
                int* numPassengers, int userId)
    printf("\nEnter Bus Number: ");
    int busNumber;
    scanf("%d", &busNumber);
    // Find the bus with the given busNumber
    int busIndex = -1;
    for (int i = 0; i < numBuses; i++) {
        if (buses[i].busNumber == busNumber) {
            busIndex = i;
    if (busIndex == -1) {
        printf("Bus with Bus Number %d not found.\n",
    else if (buses[busIndex].availableSeats == 0) {
        printf("Sorry, the bus is fully booked.\n");
    else {
        printf("Enter Passenger Name: ");
        scanf("%s", passengers[*numPassengers].name);
        printf("Enter Passenger Age: ");
        scanf("%d", &passengers[*numPassengers].age);
        // Assign a seat number to the passenger
            = buses[busIndex].totalSeats
              - buses[busIndex].availableSeats + 1;
        // Update the passenger's bus number
        passengers[*numPassengers].busNumber = busNumber;
        // Update available seats
        printf("Ticket booked successfully!\n");
// Function to cancel a ticket
void cancelTicket(struct Bus buses[], int numBuses,
                  struct Passenger passengers[],
                  int* numPassengers, int userId)
    printf("\nEnter Passenger Name: ");
    char name[50];
    scanf("%s", name);
    int found = 0;
    for (int i = 0; i < *numPassengers; i++) {
        if (strcmp(passengers[i].name, name) == 0
            && passengers[i].busNumber
                   == buses[userId].busNumber) {
            // Increase available seats
            int busIndex = -1;
            for (int j = 0; j < numBuses; j++) {
                if (buses[j].busNumber
                    == passengers[i].busNumber) {
                    busIndex = j;
            // Remove the passenger entry
            for (int j = i; j < (*numPassengers) - 1; j++) {
                passengers[j] = passengers[j + 1];
            found = 1;
            printf("Ticket canceled successfully!\n");
    if (!found) {
        printf("Passenger with name %s not found on this "
// Function to check bus status
void checkBusStatus(struct Bus buses[], int numBuses,
                    int userId)
    printf("\nBus Number: %d\n", buses[userId].busNumber);
    printf("Source: %s\n", buses[userId].source);
    printf("Destination: %s\n", buses[userId].destination);
    printf("Total Seats: %d\n", buses[userId].totalSeats);
    printf("Available Seats: %d\n",
    printf("Fare: %.2f\n", buses[userId].fare);
int main()
    // Initialize user data
    struct User users[5] = {
        { "user1", "password1" }, { "user2", "password2" },
        { "user3", "password3" }, { "user4", "password4" },
        { "user5", "password5" },
    int numUsers = 5;
    // Initialize bus data
    struct Bus buses[3] = {
        { 101, "City A", "City B", 50, 50, 25.0 },
        { 102, "City C", "City D", 40, 40, 20.0 },
        { 103, "City E", "City F", 30, 30, 15.0 },
    int numBuses = 3;
    struct Passenger
        passengers[500]; // Array to store passenger
                         // information
    int numPassengers = 0; // Number of passengers
    int loggedInUserId = -1; // Index of the logged-in user
    while (1) {
        if (loggedInUserId == -1) {
            int choice;
            scanf("%d", &choice);
            if (choice == 1) {
                char username[50];
                char password[50];
                printf("Enter Username: ");
                scanf("%s", username);
                printf("Enter Password: ");
                scanf("%s", password);
                loggedInUserId = loginUser(
                    users, numUsers, username, password);
                if (loggedInUserId == -1) {
                    printf("Login failed. Please check "
                           "your username and password.\n");
                else {
                        "Login successful. Welcome, %s!\n",
            else if (choice == 2) {
                printf("Exiting the program.\n");
            else {
                    "Invalid choice. Please try again.\n");
        else {
            int userChoice;
            scanf("%d", &userChoice);
            switch (userChoice) {
            case 1:
                bookTicket(buses, numBuses, passengers,
                           &numPassengers, loggedInUserId);
            case 2:
                cancelTicket(buses, numBuses, passengers,
            case 3:
                checkBusStatus(buses, numBuses,
            case 4:
                printf("Logging out.\n");
                loggedInUserId = -1;
                    "Invalid choice. Please try again.\n");
    return 0;


Step-by-Step Explanation

1. Initialization of Structures and Variables:

2. Main Function and Program Loop:

3. Main Menu (displayMainMenu):

4. User Login (loginUser):

5. User Menu (displayUserMenu):

6. Booking a Ticket (bookTicket):

7. Canceling a Ticket (cancelTicket):

8. Checking Bus Status (checkBusStatus):

9. Logging Out:

10. Exiting the Program:

This code simulates a basic bus reservation system, allowing users to log in, book and cancel tickets, check bus status, and log out. Note that this code is a simplified example and lacks error handling and data persistence features commonly found in production systems.

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