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A Beginner’s Journey: From Basics to Advanced Problems on GeeksforGeeks


What motivates me..?

Motivated by the success stories of peers and online personalities, I found myself drawn to the world of programming. Watching YouTube videos and observing my batchmates delive into data structures and algorithms (DSA) opened my eyes to the vast potential and opportunities within the tech industry. It became increasingly clear that mastering DSA was not just about improving one’s coding skills but a crucial step towards cracking interviews at top-tier tech companies like those in FAANG (Facebook, Amazon, Apple, Netflix, and Google).

Role of my senior in guiding me towards GeeksforGeeks.

Journey to solve basic questions : Initial approach of tackling basic level questions.

Progression to Advanced Topics:

Diving into CS Fundamentals: why I started preparing CS fundamentals like OOPs, OS, DBMS..?

Understanding the critical importance of computer science fundamentals in cracking technical interviews and securing internships, I embarked on a focused journey to master core subjects like Object-Oriented Programming, Operating Systems, and Database Management Systems. The urgency to strengthen my grasp on these topics was further fueled by an upcoming opportunity: Flipkart Runway Season-4, which specifically highlighted CS fundamentals as a significant part of their evaluation process.

With limited time at my disposal, I turned to GeeksforGeeks, which offered a concise yet comprehensive collection of “30 Interview Questions” on CS fundamentals. This resource was a game-changer for me. It provided a focused and efficient way to brush up on essential topics, ensuring that I could cover a broad spectrum of information in a relatively short period. The well-structured questions and answers were not only time-efficient but also deeply informative, offering insights into practical applications and theoretical knowledge alike.

This intensive preparation was invaluable. It helped me feel confident and well-prepared for my interviews, demonstrating that even under time constraints, with the right resources, one can achieve a solid understanding of necessary CS fundamentals. This experience reinforced the idea that targeted preparation can lead to significant outcomes, especially when using a trusted and well-organized platform like GeeksforGeeks.

Conclusion: What i learn from GeeksForGeeks platform..

My journey through the realms of coding and problem-solving has taught me several invaluable lessons. Beginning with basic-level questions instead of diving straight into more challenging problems was crucial. This foundational approach, facilitated by GeeksforGeeks, allowed me to solidify my understanding and build confidence progressively.

Additionally, revisiting and reinforcing CS fundamentals through structured interview questions on GeeksforGeeks was pivotal. This practice did more than just prepare me for job interviews; it deepened my comprehension of core concepts, making me a more adept and versatile programmer.

This educational journey has fundamentally shaped my approach to problem-solving: it has taught me the value of patience, the importance of a strong foundational knowledge, and the benefits of incremental learning. By methodically increasing the difficulty of the challenges I faced, I have developed a robust problem-solving mindset that is well-suited to the dynamic and demanding nature of the tech industry.

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