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Zoho Interview Experience for Technical Support Engineer (Off-Campus)

1. The Initial Expression of Interest

Just as your journey began with a decision to apply for a Technical Support Engineer role at Zoho Corporation, so does every career adventure commence with the first step. After submitting your application, you eagerly awaited a response. It all began on a hopeful day when you received an email from Zoho Corporation expressing their gratitude for your interest. The email stated that they would reach out to you regarding the interview process on or before July 10, 2023. This initial contact marked the start of your exploration of opportunities at one of India’s tech giants.

2. The Interview Call Letter

After a period of anticipation, the day finally arrived when your inbox chimed with another email from Zoho Corporation. This time, it was an invitation to participate in the interview process. Dated July 11, 2023, the email informed you that your interview would take place on Sunday, July 23, 2023, at 9:30 AM, with a note to arrive promptly. The interview venue was set at the Zoho Corporation office in Chennai. Candidates were advised to bring an updated copy of their resume and a digital copy of the interview call letter for smooth entry.

3. The Levels of the Interview Process

The interview process at Zoho Corporation is structured into two levels:

4. The Venue
The interview was scheduled to take place at the Zoho Corporation Pvt Ltd office in Chennai, located in Estancia IT Park, Potheri, near SRM University. For added convenience, they provided a Google Maps link to assist candidates in finding the venue.

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