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YACC program which accept strings that starts and ends with 0 or 1

Problem: Write a YACC program which accept strings that starts and ends with Zero or One

YACC (Yet another Compiler-Compiler) is the standard parser generator for the Unix operating system. An open source program, yacc generates code for the parser in the C programming language. The acronym is usually rendered in lowercase but is occasionally seen as YACC or Yacc.


Input: 001100
Output: Sequence Accepted

Input: 1001001
Output: Sequence Accepted

Input: 0011101
Output: Sequence Rejected

Input: 100110
Output: Sequence Rejected 

Lexical Analyzer Source Code :

  /* Definition section */
  extern int yylval;
/* Rule Section */
0 {yylval = 0; return ZERO;}
1 {yylval = 1; return ONE;}
.|\n {yylval = 2; return 0;}

Parser Source Code :

  /* Definition section */
  #include <stdlib.h>
  void yyerror(const char *str) 
   printf("\nSequence Rejected\n");        
%token ZERO ONE
/* Rule Section */
r : s {printf("\nSequence Accepted\n\n");}
s : n
| ZERO a
| ONE b
a : n a
b : n b
n : ZERO
//driver code
int main() 
    printf("\nEnter Sequence of Zeros and Ones : ");
    return 0;


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